Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Do U Need Reservations To Bonefish Grill

infotrash @ 2009-12-29T12: 25:00

Talk About Menstruation To Men?

infotrash @ 2009-12-29T12: 24:00

Monday, June 1, 2009


The crisis in interpersonal relations

on duty as rukovadoitel project I'm dealing with various issues. As you know, wanting to create a successful version of the new software should at least focus on the market for similar services.

so happened that after a certain number of years of cohabitation can be re- find freedom and go to the winds with the motto "actively looking". Why not combine business with pleasure? .. Who knows?

in the air the question, what is the difference between the various network servers for dating and what the main differences between the Russian model of search engines in the industry of Western Europe? The impression is that even 16-year-olds looking for their prince create a network in Western Europe!

Well, well. Adults who are incredibly busy at work and do not wish to draw parallels between their professional and personal lives, yet one can understand, but why are teenagers?

In Russia look at it a little easier. In Russia there is no network for dating sites intended for minors. His first love, meet, or in sports section, either at school or through friendly acquaintances.

But I want to warn in advance that enjoyable search for your second half in RuNet not name. Convinced friends and acquaintances in the miraculous almighty Rambler, I posted my profile to start there. Among my friends at least two pairs of young people found each other through the portal. In turn, I ran a simple concrete and serious text-handling criteria search in order to rid themselves of the need to communicate with suspicious subjects. And although the text of the address was no hint of a sexual relationship, most proposals were received with the intent to meet the needs of this particular non-existent. Quite illogical to assume that women who want to get what the Americans called the one-stand, will puzzle searching for them on the portal of dating. Rather the object is found at the nearest discotheque without any efforts.

viewed questionnaire discourage any desire for further communication. What is the significance, I'm sorry, the size of genitals, if the owner do not defile the casting for porn?

Do they really carry out the necessary measurements to complete the questionnaire?

170 responses 7 days, of which only 4 more or less interesting candidate. The remainder were screened either because of age, or after indecent proposal services of a sexual nature, or because of obesity, lack of riser or original photographs in the key of "me with his Mercedes," or "I on his yacht, "etc. It's all clear. No comments. In the era of Photoshop no modern program does not wipe off the face of a naive candidate, the natural force exposure. Beautiful but stupid - it's diagnosis.

Thus, the selective method, we identified the four semifinalists.

No. 1 chose to go into hiding after how his question about ethnicity has remained unanswered. Citizenship - another question, but why are there still people worried about the nationality of their friends? Back in USSR in accordance with paragraph 5? Is that in my veins the blood of a multinational, I was condemning? I should make some kind of recognition? Attempts someone explain the difference between nationality and citizenship were Sisyphean, and I gave up.

Number 2 realized that the long hours of correspondence - monkey work. 5 posts, and we agreed to meet in a cafe for a cup of coffee. He was 29, although according to the questionnaire, 39. We have to think that a conversation over a cup coffee in the cafe is something innocent, but no such luck. After 15 minutes I was offered up to the rank of "love of his life." My allusion to the fact that butterflies in the tummy to to start to grow wings, was greeted with a puzzled look. Everything with you is clear, the young man: a month after moving to Moscow, from Volgograd, hands, Do not touch the book since high school ... I'd forgotten that the Earth still go to these two-legged!

Third outlined in his questionnaire that "writings" not for him. 45 years Associate Professor at the University of ... Well, okay. Not so uncommon among my acquaintances. Will not bother with prejudice. And it's incredibly "interesting" interlocutor. Two hours slighted me horror stories about problems in the first marriage. Mise en scene number 2 is not much different from number 1 - the protagonist of the same, but the marriage second. All richly flavored dense sauce of "advice for the future", but, sorry, number 3, I do not want to become.

historical fact of receiving this the subject of Russian names he owns only passport office ...

So, number 4. Briefly miracle ... it is clear, cute, innocent, harmless people. The questionnaire is available year ago. Because of this you can outline the purpose of the portal as a pastime - women are shining examples of this assumption. Some users weaker sex can safely celebrate the anniversaries of their location profiles on the site. An object number 4 is just not able to come into contact with the opposite sex either it's a lot of work. No, a cup of coffee in the cafe, we have not yet beaten, because, apparently, his life is divided into equal segments between work and sleep. So it is possible for years to hang on Rambler and dinner with a laptop in front of his nose.

Nevertheless, he only touched my soul. Lord, live it up on the pages of such sites, where you think, will take butterflies in the stomach, if the soul is not touched?

little advice: take the "sheep" look and do not take photos against the backdrop of yachts, Mercedes and other scrap metal. For sure, it will attract only 20letnih leggy blondes, but what will tell your freshly baked passions, when they learn that the castle of Prince in Khimki, in the run-down "the panels?

The percentage of decent typed barely 0.8 percent. For comparison, in the theater or on the opening day for the same purpose may be to collect approx. 1 percent of the public.

rambler to include other platforms, and that anyway, have a common Bank data. At least, this applies mambo.ru and mail.ru. Simply browse database profiles.

little fish in google, I fished the miracle fish loveplanet. Of the benefits - Filter spam from the category of "street red light district for a fee, of course.
But misfires still have a place to be. About 10 percent of the proposals talk about everything, anything, except for a serious relationship. These comrades filter for an unknown reason spared.

Men's logic works train - as you can have a lasting loving relationship without sex together? It relates to the item in the questionnaire, where men and indicate long-term relationship and sex together as different things. But it is impossible to fall in love immediately. In this case, there is a spare runway as a woman, willing to have sex right away?

According to statistics, 70 responses in 4 days. Half of the candidates did not even bother to read the questionnaire, focusing only on the photo. You can simply comment photography (way to an incredibly restrictive), because the woman will take it as a complete message. "Well, picture, of course, speaks volumes, and Who needs cowardly fans? ..

Oh yeah, forgot about the two "clerks." One woman-hater, the other thinks like a star (he was very indignant that his status No one admired). 30 percent of overdressed male model and the same number of foreigners. By Michael from Germany and Gogi from Berne (the origin of the latter I have to still questioning) to Adim from Istanbul. 0.3 percent have a chance, but I have no desire to read the 170 entries for the 0,8. Deleting my profile, I'm bored.

question remains open, distributed database mambo.ru on the same form as in rambler . ru ? So, tomorrow, proceed to the next three-day experiment to find your second half. Um, yes it's real work - to seek your destiny! At least now I know what my next survey I compiled under the motto: "Down with pointless scribbling! Give us a healthy human communication! »

Or is it back to the proven scheme with vernissage? ..

Ah, the winner rambler-test. Maybe he still finds the strength to forsake the work of a cat on a meeting with a woman? Once I wrote the following to him: "That which you want to read should seriously consider whether it could make you a decent and well-paid job. " Voltage increases .....

his client I congratulate so that it will make the room brighter project with social networks to niche runet brothel, scams and psychiatry. In any case, it is those same 0.8 percent do not give people a "fly off the hook." The project my client requires about 80 percent of matches!

But I still want to fall in love ...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

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estate and residence permit in Germany

Many Russian entrepreneurs, deciding to play the role of investors in Germany are well aware of that, having invested heavily in enterprise or ensuring the availability of new jobs, they are able to obtain a residence permit in Germany. More detail, we considered this issue in February issue. But few are aware that obtaining a residence permit also helps in purchasing real estate property in the territory FRG. But not every self-respecting firm could highlight this aspect in detail. The purpose of this article - to fill the gap.

type in this If it does not matter until the object is used for housing rather than commercial or industrial purposes (eg, hotel, etc.) When purchasing real estate property owner is entitled to obtain a residence permit without an obligation to engage in employment. In other words, a person acquiring a certain property Germany has every right to live exclusively in the country, without working, without engaging in entrepreneurial activities. The residence permit is issued for one year and renewable every year subject to valid data at the time of issuing the residence permit. After five years, the temporal resolution loses time constraints and changes to the permanent residence permit.

Recently, we asked the customer, who wanted to buy a house in Germany. During the consultation, held in our office within a business meeting, we discussed the legal status in the context of the situation and developed a plan for success receipt of permission to stay in Germany, given its financial capabilities.

Naturally, as a last resort, the host decision assigned residence, are the authorities.

Yet the plans submitted to the foreign government, is the basis for obtaining a permit.

particular importance is the evidence that the person wishing to obtain a residence permit in Germany state ensure that their stay in the country itself. The problem for immigrants from Russia is that this fact is often confirmed by the presence of capital needed in Russia, for example, contributions to real estate. Our client is something and it was a stumbling block. But this difficulty can be overcome. Decisive factor in this case is the fact that profitability of real estate in Russia, ie its ability to provide steady income to the applicant. Properties in Russia and all its associated profit can be estimated by inviting an independent expert, and then provide expert opinion for consideration in the foreign office in Germany.

If you have purchased some property in Germany and received a residence permit, you do not have to stay in Germany. Conversely, you entitled to travel all the CIS countries and stay there for long. It is important to note that Germany has not decided to abandon property that can "feed" owner. A case when a person has sold all the property in Germany, was discharged in the table registration and returned to Russia. After some time, our hero changed his mind and decided to beat all. He returned to Germany and, despite his actual residence permit, the foreign office has banned the applicant is in West Germany.

Obtaining a residence permit based on the fact that the acquisition of property associated with many pitfalls, therefore, we necessarily suggest you contact the services of a qualified lawyer with experience in such matters. Empirically proven that the failure foreign agencies in the provision of the document is not appealable.

needed from the beginning to think all the details, to make action plan and submit agency has already prepared a package of all required documents.

Dr. Christian baths Tsvol

Dmitry Schneider

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Japanese Aircraft For Salwe

Nächste Krise Rohstoffkrise!

raw materials are scarce and so is the modern technology of the future in real danger.

gallium, neodymium, indium - the lack of such raw materials with exotic names could soon be the development of major technologies of the future slowing in the world. Manufacturers of flat panel displays and photovoltaics industries compete for indium. In electric motors of hybrid vehicles stuck neodymium magnets, and diodes, the semiconductor gallium metal needs. The increasing demand for rare metals will lead to economic constraints and fueling international conflict, as researchers warn of Berlin.

The shortage expensive Resources "will stay with us in the coming decades more," is the scientific director of the Berlin Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT), Rolf Kreibich convinced. A total of 22 commodities and 32 future technologies, the researchers have taken together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) under the microscope. The result: In the foreseeable future will be created in many areas serious bottlenecks.

boundary of the solar energy is called for it.

The demand for the metal indium particularly scarce, both competing for the display industry and the photovoltaic manufacturers, until 2030, more than three times the current production, says researcher IZT Lorenz Erdmann, one of the authors of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs commissioned study. Here, the manufacturer of displays are at an advantage because their products at the price of the expensive raw material, much less outweigh, in solar cells. "We expect that raw material shortages will limit the massive expansion of solar energy," says Erdmann.

For many such metals that are sought after for example because of their high temperature resistance, flexibility or their corrosion protection, the researchers say A similar shortage ahead. The demand for neodymium will amount to 2030, therefore four times the present production, while that for gallium even six times.

The metals are unevenly distributed across the world are the largest reserves of lithium are in Bolivia.
The occurrence of the expensive high-tech metals are therefore extremely limited because they often fall off only as a by-product in the promotion of other commodities. Indium, for example, is found in small quantities in zinc mines. The recycling of elimination in many cases because the raw materials are processed together with other metals and to separate scarcely . Let The need is difficult to estimate because they are used partly in the lack of transparency over arms industry.

war for expensive raw materials

addition, the sought-after metals are distributed unevenly in the world. The largest deposits of lithium, indispensable for the development of batteries for electric cars, for example, is Bolivia. China, however, dominates the production of neodymium to 97 percent and "has already secured the reserves in Africa," as Kreibich said. "As the railways to international conflicts." In some Countries started the war of expensive raw materials already. In the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the access to the raw ore coltan is at stake: It won the coveted tantalum which is used for example for new phones. rule on the disputed

commodity markets is already a "deliberate shortage of speculation," says Kreibich - even if the contracts run for such coveted goods mostly long term and therefore little scope FS r speculators there. For the protection of future technologies called the IZT-director of an international or at least European agency to watch over the markets. "As decided by the G-20 to the financial markets, we need transparency," says Kreibich. This should in his opinion, "can regulate it better as a virtual financial transactions in the market for metals and commodities.

indium, a small word. 2002 cost one kilograms indium USD 60 per kg, the end of 2008 the price jumped to $ 1,000.00 / kg. World production is around 1,300 tons per year, of which about 700 tons of recycling. China buys about 200 tons a year for storage. But It gets better: In the U.S., a fund called SMG Indium resource sought approval to buy up as much with the aim of indium as possible in order to drive the price ........

indium resources are already 2011 - 2013 to go running out! Ade beautiful world ........ solar alternatives are scarce.

indium can be replaced by accepting inferior technical properties of gallium and thallium. Indium has the advantage that it is non-toxic under normal conditions. gallium is also non-toxic, thallium, however, is very toxic. "

Thomas Bräutigam

Quellen IZT Berlin und Frauenhoferinstitut ISI Forschung

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cost Replace Porch Posts

Without words!

quotes from http://top.rbc.ru/society/ 19/05/2009/304699.shtml "In Russia, the need to introduce administrative liability for officials who openly declared that house prices will not fall. "

prices are stupid high! time of their fall

Friday, May 8, 2009

New Horse Owner Alert

Gedanken zum 9. Mai

In Russland ist der 9. Mai ein Feiertag, der Tages des Sieges über Hitlerdeutschland.

who lives in Russia but in Western Europe went to school, knowing that our Schülbücher until today the power of the Russians in World War II far as it recognizes it would have earned.

Russia was the Eastern Front is the winner but in the minds of many millions of people the Americans.

While Obama in Berlin in front of thousands spoke of people was at the memorial of the Russian soldiers in Berlin with Russian President wreath not even a representative of the Bundestag.

Had the U.S. 1945 "victory" can not the Russians in the East? Who will be busy enough with the WW II would agree with me, the answer is clearly no. I feel as West Europeans, the step-motherly treatment and is still wrong of the Russians really simple basic textbooks of the West embarrassing.

million Russians have saved the future of the WWII generation and their offspring. This risked their own lives, we owe it to them today by ignoring. We, the U.S. has made a hero and the Russian losses simply not taken seriously.

this purpose should in particular be co-wrote the historian in school books, really ashamed.

All of us who were born much later, but should perhaps just for us in quiet reflection, which would have meant it if the Russians had not fought in an eastern front, or if they do not all force would have done. In what world we would have been born?

And something we should not forget there were people who had died and there were people leading the war and the man under the paint of modern civilization has not GEAE changed. The war in Yugoslavia, Iraq and many other hotspots in recent years have led us right before our eyes.

Many problems have a WW I and II made it possible to exist in one way or another, still or again!

It does not hurt if you also check out Europe's political sympathies of time and economic greed which some forces reporting, just too modest to thank those people, who long before we were born for civilization died we have found.

Unsere Verpflichtung sollte es sein weiterhin die Zivilisation zivilisiert aufrecht zu erhalten.


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Reflections May 9

In Russia, May 9 is a public holiday, the day of victory over Nazi Germany.

Those who live in Russia, but have ever attended in Western Europe knows that our textbooks do not adequately illuminate the merits of Russian in the outcome of the Second World War.

Russia was the Eastern Front, but in the minds of millions in the image of the winners appear American.

While Obama has uttered speech in Berlin in front of thousands of people at the laying of a wreath at a monument to Russian soldiers in Berlin, the Russian president not present, no representative Parliament of Germany .

«Won" Would the United States in 1945 without the participation of Russia in the east? Connoisseurs of the history of warfare during the Second World War is fully consistent with my emphatic answer: "Never!". I like Western Europeans, really hurt and offended for unfair and wrong attitude to the Russian in the usual textbooks on the west.

Millions of Russian saved future generations of the Second World War and their descendants. Price of their lives they have made peace, for which we thank them complete lack of attention to this fact. We have made a hero of the United States, and losses among the Russian soldiers gave oblivion.

historians who participated in the drafting of programs and textbooks should be ashamed of his own creation.

all of us, born much later, it should be at least time to think about what would happen if Russian did not beat, not sparing his stomach, with the enemy on the eastern front. What kind of world would we then came to light?

and should not be forgotten more about the following: there were people who died were people who fought wars, but man one iota to change under the influence of modern civilization. War in Yugoslavia, Iraq and many other hot spots the last decade are for us good examples of such behavior.

Many of the problems that have made both the first and second World Wars reality, there and to this day.

a close eye on political preferences and the desire for economic gain, which determine the mood of many reports. never not interfere with express some gratitude to those people who died in the name of our civilization with you long before we were born.

Our задачей является поддержание статуса по праву справедливой цивилизации.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

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Wer neue Marketingformen sucht ...

Twitter is the recommended http://www.twitter.com with 140 characters, with added value in the message to the media is good to draw attention to new products or new ideas.

Endgegen popular opinion is not teenagers Twitter facility where people in the seconds with daydream irrelevancies fully . Blabber Who chooses what gets him interested in today's ticker including news of almost all newspapers and news tickers. Who knows himself still something to say, can not complain about too few followers.

However, for pure advertising portal should mutate of their own Twitter account, otherwise you will be quickly sacked from his followers.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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Was wird der naechste Aufreger?

The economic crisis has been successful shortly before 1 May the swine flu pushed out of the headlines. Now is also eaten this topic. May 1 over, and the few flu deaths are nothing compared to the 3 million people actually die each year from flu.

The question remains, what with us as Next, enjoy the press to divert attention from the real problems? It will be interesting.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Strange, strange ...

Something is wrong.
Lately I can sleep. And shower normally. And my nightmares become less. And I can walk normally and undisturbed on the sunflower fields. Tori also looks healthier from lately.
Something is totally wrong. I just do not come on it was.
Actually I should be satisfied ... but something I lack.

Not even Prussia cute chicks, which I use in my life and my rear part (Ludwig, why you are holding you fight dogs?) have procured me gay.
I would Toris so they can prepare, but I have a) concerns whether they are sufficient for a normal meal and b) do not feel they can Toris fry as soon as I eat them. The only one who could do it, was Natalia. Well, I'll probably have to wait until it is back to normal. Then the chicks are also more determined, I am also tired of them.

Oh, and by the way: Is it normal that chicks have dandruff? So green shiny? Russian chicks / chickens do not have that.
also have a calming effect on Raivis. He immediately stopped to tremble when he saw them. = D

Monday, April 27, 2009

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Schweinegrippe lent so schoen ab ....

by the economic crisis. A little flu, something artificial media panic and you are clueless politicians no longer the main headlines. can you die from flu-always a bad immune system or an untreated the flu mutates to pneumonia: are

forget the deepest level, basic principles. Lack of money for antibiotics does the rest Of 68 flu deaths have been in Mexico gerademal detected the virus at 20, but then it makes you equal a deadly epidemic ....

slightly so and so work quickly but not pandemics and the perpetual reference to the English Grippe im 20. Jahrhundert ist schon langweilig. Vor 100 Jahren gab es keine Antibiotika wie wir sie heute kennen.

Putzig auch wie sich das ZDF das mutieren von Genen vorstellt ..... Nein, etwas aufwendiger ist das Ganze schon .... ein Schelm der sich bei der ganzen Geschichte was boeses Denkt .....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Downloand Hd Loanderps2

end parties in Western Europe or in the morning is just a hangover

For several days the main topic of discussion, media are "threatening the public disturbances. " After a recent attempt another media abetting the U.S., as the judges spread the news in Western Europe through Russia, Germany fear unrest grows daily.

summer in Germany to 20 million people who receive unemployment benefits, social subsidies and earn money. And while Berlin would not come to mind is nothing better than to run a job the press for printing bank notes. Billions are literally injected into the World Monetary Fund, thus supporting a long time bankrupt the dollar, while the euro is melting before our eyes.

For a long time, these measures do not stimulate exports, rather, lead straight to the euro currency crisis. Some Member States of the European Community is hopelessly mired in debt - the leading position is Greece. The federal government apparently believes that due to grandchildren can be a little more money to reprint.

At the time, as Russia can, to some extent, oppose the currency value of underground mining as a guarantee of Germany remained trust only on its economy.

Who and, above all, what funds should save 20 million inhabitants of Germany, on "social failure"? Unemployment benefits, pensions and social subsidies .... Similar "Bedtime Stories" has run its course no later than the summer.

Since 2008, entered into force on domestic orders of shooting for the armed forces of Germany. Thank you, Mr. Schäuble! Signified disposal, coupled with the widespread lawful and listening are not the only sign of a totalitarian legislation, but, above all, precautionary measure, when the earth under the feet of the republic scarlet flame lit.

If someone still have doubts, whom Mr Schäuble did decided to protect - citizens or evil terrorists - then dispel them is rather complex undertaking, because of the above makes it clear anyone what was going on.

has long been the legal system does not decorate the state, similar to Germany. In fact, had dreamed of Honecker, breathed life Schäuble!

From the imaginary of democracy to the humiliating totalitarianism always within reach ....


Thursday, April 23, 2009

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Neuer Newsmediarom zu Russland aus der Schweiz

Unter http://medialdigital.wordpress.com/2009/04/23/ceekom-% E2% 80% 93-ein-neues-portal-mit-social-media-newsroom-fur- osteuropa-themen /

findet sich ein neuer Newsrom der alles zusammenfassen will was Qualitaet verspricht und nicht nur aus den deutschen Mass media is. The Newsrom wants to use their own journalists and use media such as Twitter.

Ceekom stands for Central and Eastern Europe Communications and at the same Eastern European Studies Center of Communications.

We wish the editorial team good luck and success and the readers have fun!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Von Asien bis Deutschland, die Zahlen sind schlecht!

economists agree, the party is over in Germany, rest of the hangover remains after night of drinking. The biggest national debt in the last 80 years is coming up, the printing presses for the IMF at U.S. behest started up a long time.

savings banks in Germany to try to separate from their land banks for the bond is not to bear with. The fact it is the banks, not so bad. The USB has made in the first quarter more than 2 billion net profit.

How? By shops and foreign exchange rate gains. The dollar will collapse awarded gain (which may be impossible after all the real reason) and then it rings again temporarily in the till.

This ringing in the cash is expensive, paid namely to the euro, which crashed massively parallel, although the economies in Europe and the end of 2008 government debt much less dramatic than that of the real USA.

Europe pays so at the moment the bill for the U.S. not long this can go well.

Asia, meanwhile, remembers back to their own values and a common economic space. Interestingly, the flare of a saddle own currency area immediately calls out the journalists' outrage in the West, while Russian papers assess this more positive trend. For it is an attempt to throw bad money does not have that behind her and hence the more reasonable way than that, because Europe has picked out.

product to public debt levels is here: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0, 1518,620605,00 html

And with Asia in the NZZ. http://merky. de/9563f6

breaking news for UBS and for net income: On the Front Page NZZ http://www.nzz.ch/

Monday, April 20, 2009

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Ist wirtschaftliche Freiheit wirklich Menschenfreiheit?

philosophizing In today's edition of the NZZ, the former Italian foreign minister Antonio Martino. Strolling about the relationship between free enterprise and human freedom.
this, one wonders whether he understands what he writes? Fein, China has joined in the economy, so people are now free there? The phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei" is generally known, but there is no correlation between free Marktwirtschft and human freedom, just as in the said statement quoted. Martino perhaps confused but simply the freedom of the consumer goods in the diversity of human freedom? That would then have tragic.
His scolding to the address of the Kenyan reads up to the Social Democrats and the Left is bizzar in this context. Who gets credit at the bank who needs but not social security falls ....... one reading a downright inevitably.

wonder who is still in such articles, the crisis there? Such cross-ideology is obviously the dregs of the current crisis.

In http://www.nzz.ch/nachrichten/wirtschaft/aktuell/dreissig_jahre_marsch_in_richtung_freiheit_1.2438205.html there is the article in question.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Milena Velba Husband?

What is the difference between a private home in Russia and abroad?

В каждом зарубежном private home is bound to have a basement and garage and garden. Every garden must barbecue and eating in the warmer months. The spacious homes has at least two bathrooms and two toilets. Also an integral part of a fireplace. Although they are all valid, yet more are decorative and a romantic desired temperature in the house and depending on the temperature outside the computer establishes the necessary heating power. As a rule Battery is not visible, they are hidden under the floor.

foundations of houses are durable. Even the wooden houses on the construction and isolation can not be compared with Russian. In Europe, unlike in Russia for each person living in the house has a large enough area.


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Krise in Russland?

Die Banken haben an der Rubeldevolvierung gemaess Hochrechnung sowohl der russischen Zentralbank als and the Bank Insurance Agency, minimum 800 billion rubles worth.

The ruble devaluation against USD and amounted to € Hauptwaehrungen about 10 rubles to one euro within 6 months.

From 1 € equal to 35 rubles at the beginning of October to around 45 rubles in April 2009. However, such calculations are natuergemaess with caution to enjoy, but ultimately it is where value of customer deposits, etc. to the attention of the Central Bank statistically equivalent to statistical conversion rates of the bank balance.

addition, we see a typical game for Russia, the crisis will be used for companies to send in bankruptcy it is powerful and caused the entire capital. This is one of the main reasons for the ailing construction industry is currently in Russia.

Many homes already have a deposit for the new buildings is now the owner in bankruptcy, is the buyer of the apartment empty-handed because the homes are not built and the developer saves the capital for the apartments, the not have been built but a deposit for already.

interesting in this context, the Russians know bis jetzt gar nicht, dass in Westeuropa eine Deflation der Preise statt gefunden hat, im Gegenteil sie gehen von hoeheren Preisen fuer Importwaren aus, da der Euro entsprechend mehr kostet, vergessen aber die Angebotspreise die gesunken sind.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

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What is the difference between Russian and foreign quarters?

Composition of Foreign apartment buildings is usually the individual. There's no in Russia production houses. All homes built in western Europe after 1930 have lower ceilings. This is due to the fact that the Europeans are afraid of high payments for heat. For the same reason, many homes in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Holland and others are made using an expensive isolation. This concerns not only the facades and roofs, but the windows. In Switzerland, as a seismic country, building regulations are very strict, and construction costs very high due to the use of iron construction. Most Russians surprised the spatial layout of bathrooms. Toilet near the kitchen, is considered there is bad form. The kitchen is a workplace, so a meal is carried out or in the dining room or in a fenced off for the purpose of the kitchen. Apartments on the first floor is very popular, as their owners have a unique opportunity right from the living room to fall in the small garden. And thanks to a happy criminal situation residents of the first floor apartment is absolutely not afraid of thieves. In all new houses have underground garages, and often individual cellars for storing wine and household equipment.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Information About Old Enamel Pots And Pans

Kolkolkolkolkolkol ....

[Friends locked; Gilbert, Ludwig, and Roderich Elizavetha can not see it. The poor]

While all are busy with their funny Easter aftermath (fools, Easter is not until next week) , I have listened carefully Gilbert's blog .. He has chicks. Small, cute, delicious chicks (cuteness and eating in one!). And three times guesses who I will now hijack night.

Exactly. What goes around, comes around, Gilbert. Vengeance is mine. Kolkolkolkolkol

Oh, and in recent weeks, Natalia has changed, something's wrong with her. (Did she perhaps another loop?)
I mean, not that I would consider it after the thing with Tori and so-but .. different.

Friday, April 3, 2009

How To Get Alot Of Credits In Poptropica

stalking to a new level

Natalia, it would be nice if you would refrain from the constant harassment times.
I'm much, much really used to, but so far you're never given lengths. Me on my own blog really bothering D =
I will marry you, or given you the money. It is me no matter if you are not my television look, believe me. Really .

Just stay away.
go to Tori's, if you are so good friends.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

D-generation X Fabric

It is clearly my sister. Ivan is

Dear Sister Ukraine.
I've searched for years for a reason why our boss then you could get Crimea, and not me. The of replies to this question I found today. The plausible of replies, not the 300-year anniversary, Belgograd and exchange.

The reassures me of replies tremendously - so I can at least be sure that we are related.

And to the person whom this image is not absorbed so completely right light:

dreaming does not hurt, my sister, but the size you are, I fear, but then not.
The Crimea-than-India-imitation can you not like ausschaun Eurasia. But at least you
proves imagination that I like about you.

And now I'm planning my dark revenge on Prussia.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Driver Ibm Thinkcentre 8215

resigned resigned

I've just read Natalia's entry.
I do not mind. Really . Not at . One thing you should know
, Natalia: If you do not you take care good enough to Toris, you'll regret it! Kol kol Kolko l k ol ..

Oh, and, incidentally, Prussia, you will suffer !

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dijital Merchants Kimya

money income and so

Somehow I feel that since Natalia is on vacation, my sleep is better. Only Tori I miss. Toriiis ....
Also Rumscheuchen of Edward and Raivis less fun, if Tori Here.
I think I'll get sick.

way: I've recently Vodka missing, somehow are 5-6 bottles disappeared without a trace.
Because Gilbert Gilbert is just For some inexplicable reason, I'm Gilbert suspected of theft. When I then looked at him over (I'm sorry, Ludwig, I'm stepping on your lawn, really. If you want, I'll give you a bottle of vodka as compensation), guess what I saw. No, if you guess, you come on it before. Fortunately, I had a camera with in order to film it. And to market. And thus to bridge the Russian economic crisis.

Yeah, I've filmed all that the two have made! Did you hear, you two!
And it is for sale! Buy it! Go! The proceeds all go to me!


Oh, and when I say " In Prussia," I also mean " In Prussia", if you know what I mean.
Who would have thought that Elizevetha so on it's almost like Natalia. Domina .

buy it - one copy to 600 rubles, 7000 rubles 10 copies! Los, the edition is limited!

Now I leave the business his business, and let me go sew a new panda costume. I feel like China recognize me now in my old costume ...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pregnant While Sick With Multiple Myeloma


Today I called Mr Gagarin and asked if he flies to the moon for me. After all, I need all the rocks there to bury the earth. My plan was to get a rope around the moon and then to bind to the spacecraft. Then full throttle.
Yuri had laughed at me and thought it was a joke.
Well, now the collective farm he has time to think about how serious it was me.

I guess I have to look for another alternative, that the world is one with me. can
Unfortunately Toris currently traveling with Natalia, that is, he can not help me = / Maybe I
try to make time for nice, then I can attack the others when they least expect it.
(Though my reputation is often not the power of D = Ludwig, what have you against me only? )

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Printable Fingerboard Finger Shoes

Gilbert brings me as an idea ...

... why he was not only useful function, when he was in with me House has lived?

Now for the idea: instead of wasting my time so that other countries stalk and to scare, I could use the time more sense. And instead of building senseless channels that can not be used, I could easily build something else. Yes, you think right. I mean the earth.
So, my dear friends know, want it, nice and blue:

looks ... from boring and dull. If it were me, they soon saw this:

Exactly. With a mountain range in the middle of Africa. You only see that happen to like this as I do. Quite by chance.
shovel and I will this time not alone. At least I have my three favorite states (Russia, of course) on hand.
leaves only one question: Where do I take the whole earth? My country never goes so ...

alternative: I go get rocks from the moon. What not know Alfred, Alfred does not get hot.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lab One Diffusion And Osmosis Answers

Communist Fun

Today was a beautiful day.
I met with my Communist friends ^ _ ^
There were all there, including China. He shivered again as he saw me. How naive. If he does not see me, he should tremble! Kolkolkolkolkol ....
And Cuba has once again become thicker. I'm not there, it looks just because of the uniform that way. Honest!

And somehow I miss Prussia to have a fantastic meeting. When he was still in the process, we always had someone who could laugh at the us because she's poorly. Now that he lives again in Germany, he is said to have increased. So, I've never seen Ludwig recently, the poor, however, was very emaciated. Maybe he eats Gilbert even the hair from his head, who knows.

Oh, it would be great to have a big brother who feeds me by ... I have two sisters. I wish one of them would not exist (I speak its name is not out of fear they might suddenly stand behind me).

Well, whatever. I'm going with Tori in the park
a nice day ^___^

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cotton Buds For Camcorder

Добрый день

This is a RP account.
Here I write entries as "Ivan Braginski" from "Axis powers Hetalia.