Thursday, April 16, 2009

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What is the difference between Russian and foreign quarters?

Composition of Foreign apartment buildings is usually the individual. There's no in Russia production houses. All homes built in western Europe after 1930 have lower ceilings. This is due to the fact that the Europeans are afraid of high payments for heat. For the same reason, many homes in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Holland and others are made using an expensive isolation. This concerns not only the facades and roofs, but the windows. In Switzerland, as a seismic country, building regulations are very strict, and construction costs very high due to the use of iron construction. Most Russians surprised the spatial layout of bathrooms. Toilet near the kitchen, is considered there is bad form. The kitchen is a workplace, so a meal is carried out or in the dining room or in a fenced off for the purpose of the kitchen. Apartments on the first floor is very popular, as their owners have a unique opportunity right from the living room to fall in the small garden. And thanks to a happy criminal situation residents of the first floor apartment is absolutely not afraid of thieves. In all new houses have underground garages, and often individual cellars for storing wine and household equipment.



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