Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Information About Old Enamel Pots And Pans

Kolkolkolkolkolkol ....

[Friends locked; Gilbert, Ludwig, and Roderich Elizavetha can not see it. The poor]

While all are busy with their funny Easter aftermath (fools, Easter is not until next week) , I have listened carefully Gilbert's blog .. He has chicks. Small, cute, delicious chicks (cuteness and eating in one!). And three times guesses who I will now hijack night.

Exactly. What goes around, comes around, Gilbert. Vengeance is mine. Kolkolkolkolkol

Oh, and in recent weeks, Natalia has changed, something's wrong with her. (Did she perhaps another loop?)
I mean, not that I would consider it after the thing with Tori and so-but .. different.


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