Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hrt Withdrawal Symptoms

Krise in Russland?

Die Banken haben an der Rubeldevolvierung gemaess Hochrechnung sowohl der russischen Zentralbank als and the Bank Insurance Agency, minimum 800 billion rubles worth.

The ruble devaluation against USD and amounted to € Hauptwaehrungen about 10 rubles to one euro within 6 months.

From 1 € equal to 35 rubles at the beginning of October to around 45 rubles in April 2009. However, such calculations are natuergemaess with caution to enjoy, but ultimately it is where value of customer deposits, etc. to the attention of the Central Bank statistically equivalent to statistical conversion rates of the bank balance.

addition, we see a typical game for Russia, the crisis will be used for companies to send in bankruptcy it is powerful and caused the entire capital. This is one of the main reasons for the ailing construction industry is currently in Russia.

Many homes already have a deposit for the new buildings is now the owner in bankruptcy, is the buyer of the apartment empty-handed because the homes are not built and the developer saves the capital for the apartments, the not have been built but a deposit for already.

interesting in this context, the Russians know bis jetzt gar nicht, dass in Westeuropa eine Deflation der Preise statt gefunden hat, im Gegenteil sie gehen von hoeheren Preisen fuer Importwaren aus, da der Euro entsprechend mehr kostet, vergessen aber die Angebotspreise die gesunken sind.



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