Monday, April 20, 2009

Rosacea In Black Skin

Ist wirtschaftliche Freiheit wirklich Menschenfreiheit?

philosophizing In today's edition of the NZZ, the former Italian foreign minister Antonio Martino. Strolling about the relationship between free enterprise and human freedom.
this, one wonders whether he understands what he writes? Fein, China has joined in the economy, so people are now free there? The phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei" is generally known, but there is no correlation between free Marktwirtschft and human freedom, just as in the said statement quoted. Martino perhaps confused but simply the freedom of the consumer goods in the diversity of human freedom? That would then have tragic.
His scolding to the address of the Kenyan reads up to the Social Democrats and the Left is bizzar in this context. Who gets credit at the bank who needs but not social security falls ....... one reading a downright inevitably.

wonder who is still in such articles, the crisis there? Such cross-ideology is obviously the dregs of the current crisis.

In there is the article in question.


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