Friday, May 8, 2009

New Horse Owner Alert

Gedanken zum 9. Mai

In Russland ist der 9. Mai ein Feiertag, der Tages des Sieges über Hitlerdeutschland.

who lives in Russia but in Western Europe went to school, knowing that our Schülbücher until today the power of the Russians in World War II far as it recognizes it would have earned.

Russia was the Eastern Front is the winner but in the minds of many millions of people the Americans.

While Obama in Berlin in front of thousands spoke of people was at the memorial of the Russian soldiers in Berlin with Russian President wreath not even a representative of the Bundestag.

Had the U.S. 1945 "victory" can not the Russians in the East? Who will be busy enough with the WW II would agree with me, the answer is clearly no. I feel as West Europeans, the step-motherly treatment and is still wrong of the Russians really simple basic textbooks of the West embarrassing.

million Russians have saved the future of the WWII generation and their offspring. This risked their own lives, we owe it to them today by ignoring. We, the U.S. has made a hero and the Russian losses simply not taken seriously.

this purpose should in particular be co-wrote the historian in school books, really ashamed.

All of us who were born much later, but should perhaps just for us in quiet reflection, which would have meant it if the Russians had not fought in an eastern front, or if they do not all force would have done. In what world we would have been born?

And something we should not forget there were people who had died and there were people leading the war and the man under the paint of modern civilization has not GEAE changed. The war in Yugoslavia, Iraq and many other hotspots in recent years have led us right before our eyes.

Many problems have a WW I and II made it possible to exist in one way or another, still or again!

It does not hurt if you also check out Europe's political sympathies of time and economic greed which some forces reporting, just too modest to thank those people, who long before we were born for civilization died we have found.

Unsere Verpflichtung sollte es sein weiterhin die Zivilisation zivilisiert aufrecht zu erhalten.



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