Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tennessee Booster Seat Law

Strange, strange ...

Something is wrong.
Lately I can sleep. And shower normally. And my nightmares become less. And I can walk normally and undisturbed on the sunflower fields. Tori also looks healthier from lately.
Something is totally wrong. I just do not come on it was.
Actually I should be satisfied ... but something I lack.

Not even Prussia cute chicks, which I use in my life and my rear part (Ludwig, why you are holding you fight dogs?) have procured me gay.
I would Toris so they can prepare, but I have a) concerns whether they are sufficient for a normal meal and b) do not feel they can Toris fry as soon as I eat them. The only one who could do it, was Natalia. Well, I'll probably have to wait until it is back to normal. Then the chicks are also more determined, I am also tired of them.

Oh, and by the way: Is it normal that chicks have dandruff? So green shiny? Russian chicks / chickens do not have that.
also have a calming effect on Raivis. He immediately stopped to tremble when he saw them. = D

Monday, April 27, 2009

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Schweinegrippe lent so schoen ab ....

by the economic crisis. A little flu, something artificial media panic and you are clueless politicians no longer the main headlines. can you die from flu-always a bad immune system or an untreated the flu mutates to pneumonia: are

forget the deepest level, basic principles. Lack of money for antibiotics does the rest Of 68 flu deaths have been in Mexico gerademal detected the virus at 20, but then it makes you equal a deadly epidemic ....

slightly so and so work quickly but not pandemics and the perpetual reference to the English Grippe im 20. Jahrhundert ist schon langweilig. Vor 100 Jahren gab es keine Antibiotika wie wir sie heute kennen.

Putzig auch wie sich das ZDF das mutieren von Genen vorstellt ..... Nein, etwas aufwendiger ist das Ganze schon .... ein Schelm der sich bei der ganzen Geschichte was boeses Denkt .....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Downloand Hd Loanderps2

end parties in Western Europe or in the morning is just a hangover

For several days the main topic of discussion, media are "threatening the public disturbances. " After a recent attempt another media abetting the U.S., as the judges spread the news in Western Europe through Russia, Germany fear unrest grows daily.

summer in Germany to 20 million people who receive unemployment benefits, social subsidies and earn money. And while Berlin would not come to mind is nothing better than to run a job the press for printing bank notes. Billions are literally injected into the World Monetary Fund, thus supporting a long time bankrupt the dollar, while the euro is melting before our eyes.

For a long time, these measures do not stimulate exports, rather, lead straight to the euro currency crisis. Some Member States of the European Community is hopelessly mired in debt - the leading position is Greece. The federal government apparently believes that due to grandchildren can be a little more money to reprint.

At the time, as Russia can, to some extent, oppose the currency value of underground mining as a guarantee of Germany remained trust only on its economy.

Who and, above all, what funds should save 20 million inhabitants of Germany, on "social failure"? Unemployment benefits, pensions and social subsidies .... Similar "Bedtime Stories" has run its course no later than the summer.

Since 2008, entered into force on domestic orders of shooting for the armed forces of Germany. Thank you, Mr. Schäuble! Signified disposal, coupled with the widespread lawful and listening are not the only sign of a totalitarian legislation, but, above all, precautionary measure, when the earth under the feet of the republic scarlet flame lit.

If someone still have doubts, whom Mr Schäuble did decided to protect - citizens or evil terrorists - then dispel them is rather complex undertaking, because of the above makes it clear anyone what was going on.

has long been the legal system does not decorate the state, similar to Germany. In fact, had dreamed of Honecker, breathed life Schäuble!

From the imaginary of democracy to the humiliating totalitarianism always within reach ....


Thursday, April 23, 2009

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Neuer Newsmediarom zu Russland aus der Schweiz

Unter http://medialdigital.wordpress.com/2009/04/23/ceekom-% E2% 80% 93-ein-neues-portal-mit-social-media-newsroom-fur- osteuropa-themen /

findet sich ein neuer Newsrom der alles zusammenfassen will was Qualitaet verspricht und nicht nur aus den deutschen Mass media is. The Newsrom wants to use their own journalists and use media such as Twitter.

Ceekom stands for Central and Eastern Europe Communications and at the same Eastern European Studies Center of Communications.

We wish the editorial team good luck and success and the readers have fun!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Von Asien bis Deutschland, die Zahlen sind schlecht!

economists agree, the party is over in Germany, rest of the hangover remains after night of drinking. The biggest national debt in the last 80 years is coming up, the printing presses for the IMF at U.S. behest started up a long time.

savings banks in Germany to try to separate from their land banks for the bond is not to bear with. The fact it is the banks, not so bad. The USB has made in the first quarter more than 2 billion net profit.

How? By shops and foreign exchange rate gains. The dollar will collapse awarded gain (which may be impossible after all the real reason) and then it rings again temporarily in the till.

This ringing in the cash is expensive, paid namely to the euro, which crashed massively parallel, although the economies in Europe and the end of 2008 government debt much less dramatic than that of the real USA.

Europe pays so at the moment the bill for the U.S. not long this can go well.

Asia, meanwhile, remembers back to their own values and a common economic space. Interestingly, the flare of a saddle own currency area immediately calls out the journalists' outrage in the West, while Russian papers assess this more positive trend. For it is an attempt to throw bad money does not have that behind her and hence the more reasonable way than that, because Europe has picked out.

product to public debt levels is here: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0, 1518,620605,00 html

And with Asia in the NZZ. http://merky. de/9563f6

breaking news for UBS and for net income: On the Front Page NZZ http://www.nzz.ch/

Monday, April 20, 2009

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Ist wirtschaftliche Freiheit wirklich Menschenfreiheit?

philosophizing In today's edition of the NZZ, the former Italian foreign minister Antonio Martino. Strolling about the relationship between free enterprise and human freedom.
this, one wonders whether he understands what he writes? Fein, China has joined in the economy, so people are now free there? The phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei" is generally known, but there is no correlation between free Marktwirtschft and human freedom, just as in the said statement quoted. Martino perhaps confused but simply the freedom of the consumer goods in the diversity of human freedom? That would then have tragic.
His scolding to the address of the Kenyan reads up to the Social Democrats and the Left is bizzar in this context. Who gets credit at the bank who needs but not social security falls ....... one reading a downright inevitably.

wonder who is still in such articles, the crisis there? Such cross-ideology is obviously the dregs of the current crisis.

In http://www.nzz.ch/nachrichten/wirtschaft/aktuell/dreissig_jahre_marsch_in_richtung_freiheit_1.2438205.html there is the article in question.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Milena Velba Husband?

What is the difference between a private home in Russia and abroad?

В каждом зарубежном private home is bound to have a basement and garage and garden. Every garden must barbecue and eating in the warmer months. The spacious homes has at least two bathrooms and two toilets. Also an integral part of a fireplace. Although they are all valid, yet more are decorative and a romantic desired temperature in the house and depending on the temperature outside the computer establishes the necessary heating power. As a rule Battery is not visible, they are hidden under the floor.

foundations of houses are durable. Even the wooden houses on the construction and isolation can not be compared with Russian. In Europe, unlike in Russia for each person living in the house has a large enough area.


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Krise in Russland?

Die Banken haben an der Rubeldevolvierung gemaess Hochrechnung sowohl der russischen Zentralbank als and the Bank Insurance Agency, minimum 800 billion rubles worth.

The ruble devaluation against USD and amounted to € Hauptwaehrungen about 10 rubles to one euro within 6 months.

From 1 € equal to 35 rubles at the beginning of October to around 45 rubles in April 2009. However, such calculations are natuergemaess with caution to enjoy, but ultimately it is where value of customer deposits, etc. to the attention of the Central Bank statistically equivalent to statistical conversion rates of the bank balance.

addition, we see a typical game for Russia, the crisis will be used for companies to send in bankruptcy it is powerful and caused the entire capital. This is one of the main reasons for the ailing construction industry is currently in Russia.

Many homes already have a deposit for the new buildings is now the owner in bankruptcy, is the buyer of the apartment empty-handed because the homes are not built and the developer saves the capital for the apartments, the not have been built but a deposit for already.

interesting in this context, the Russians know bis jetzt gar nicht, dass in Westeuropa eine Deflation der Preise statt gefunden hat, im Gegenteil sie gehen von hoeheren Preisen fuer Importwaren aus, da der Euro entsprechend mehr kostet, vergessen aber die Angebotspreise die gesunken sind.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

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What is the difference between Russian and foreign quarters?

Composition of Foreign apartment buildings is usually the individual. There's no in Russia production houses. All homes built in western Europe after 1930 have lower ceilings. This is due to the fact that the Europeans are afraid of high payments for heat. For the same reason, many homes in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Holland and others are made using an expensive isolation. This concerns not only the facades and roofs, but the windows. In Switzerland, as a seismic country, building regulations are very strict, and construction costs very high due to the use of iron construction. Most Russians surprised the spatial layout of bathrooms. Toilet near the kitchen, is considered there is bad form. The kitchen is a workplace, so a meal is carried out or in the dining room or in a fenced off for the purpose of the kitchen. Apartments on the first floor is very popular, as their owners have a unique opportunity right from the living room to fall in the small garden. And thanks to a happy criminal situation residents of the first floor apartment is absolutely not afraid of thieves. In all new houses have underground garages, and often individual cellars for storing wine and household equipment.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

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Kolkolkolkolkolkol ....

[Friends locked; Gilbert, Ludwig, and Roderich Elizavetha can not see it. The poor]

While all are busy with their funny Easter aftermath (fools, Easter is not until next week) , I have listened carefully Gilbert's blog .. He has chicks. Small, cute, delicious chicks (cuteness and eating in one!). And three times guesses who I will now hijack night.

Exactly. What goes around, comes around, Gilbert. Vengeance is mine. Kolkolkolkolkol

Oh, and in recent weeks, Natalia has changed, something's wrong with her. (Did she perhaps another loop?)
I mean, not that I would consider it after the thing with Tori and so-but .. different.

Friday, April 3, 2009

How To Get Alot Of Credits In Poptropica

stalking to a new level

Natalia, it would be nice if you would refrain from the constant harassment times.
I'm much, much really used to, but so far you're never given lengths. Me on my own blog really bothering D =
I will marry you, or given you the money. It is me no matter if you are not my television look, believe me. Really .

Just stay away.
go to Tori's, if you are so good friends.