Sunday, June 20, 2004

Does Xanax Show Up On A Blood Text?

It `s over now

after fasch 7 monet het circuit schanee gmacht chas ... eifach ni Amplifier it ... i bet would Aue as before .. for what läbi eigetlech no?

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Song With Giant Woman


gestr nami bi i destroyed schnäu with u anna jones ice ga ze .. is very easy manner xi ... när no gad dr adi u cho bi de suerte with him Chli is Marzili ... qué;) dr Haub Neufeld (prima ) severally gsi det ... u ... laesa Niemer on the manner guet u tuet Chli mis bad gwüsse calm ... när shasu with dr after züri ... uf dr zugfahrt hei mrs huere funny zbern si gha ... fasch UFE Fausch train, where would basel uf dä .. heis but fortunately no fasch in the last ougeblick gmerkt gha ... otra vez: qué suerte!
z züri hei mr ni viu Zyt gha u si scho gad UFE train out to Bülach ingredients ... u changed Chli gwartet müesse Tues stupid commentators would like any vo ... so crass alose ds gepfiife u so: (
severally när de gad then e bus .. vou vo cho het usgänger recruits .. no pretty cool usxe;)
hei de när UFE train gwartet eat again for some kolege züri .. vo schanee mitcho si .. si papa joe's is ga, shasu ui hei gha only Gredt Tues very Zyt u si ... üs fooled: (mi carino estuvo diferente de lo que creo que era esta normalmente porque los otros estuvieron ahi ... es logico ...
u när Chli see a ghöcklet changed ... u Chli trunke (yeah gummibärli the bugger! gäu shasu * g *) .. si hei scho no äuä fröid gah the mr cho si .. must ask de mau ... cuando no schanee tuve que muy triste despedirme Estuve;) pero me dijo adios de una manera muy carinosa * g * uf
the train ride back hei dr mrs eifach just no fun gha .. d question manner Wobser balanced manner alk (agheiteret shasu severally foams) odr eifach obs üs Sun gfaue het guet ... hehe --- tja .. iz Chli laesa u learn .. u at de ga bädälä abe i

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Candy Centerpieces Toronto

all good;) für WAS

usgang juhuuu itz severally Aue het guet again ... to some extent clarified the whole gstürm .. . so .. Hüt nami ga i with shasu to Zuri, ga shoppe u AConnect au Tues Ageh officers ga ... bsueche schanee het usgang, Gnau hot but me no ni ... eh yes abgmacht will certainly easy ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Webcam Broadcast Hair Salon Live

wunder as Kiss of the final

Schnau i ke meter meh ....-. so extremely abnormal that Di specifically bugger matur Sun guet .. louft despite mim current beschissnige fuck-läbä ... abr gad severally gäbig schinbar cha ... i better get to u besseri ergäbnis achieved i ni we so guet bi ... ds zwäg means we provide leistig bsundregi he must: the numerical monsieur SCIFA see that he Wed again as in the random lat u so .. u när bi i able to find matter Niemer'd think ... haha iz skin sarcastic manner gsi .. u think so o ni hope so .. it does, no next weekend Aue to the freight ... o we i iz us luter skin despite the samsti äuä ad hiphop-uffüehrig from leandro & co ga u när no to Säm ... u at sunnti severally English fiesta bir carine ... gse i dä see skin-ni ... de Choei me dä scheiss o ni när solvent .. super bi i grew again deheim e depro, cha ni penne with nerve aui Lüt mim shit luun etc. .. Damn i Wotter
dass wie isch aues Vorhees ... .. i ma nummo isch so dr ... Huere abgfuckti oberstress walt hie!

i `m really pissed off! Itz isch genau so

Impetigo Wont Go Away

OPPE mini-situation Ganzi Scheiss! Dä text uf das trifft abartig Gnau zue! (Hehe, Furnas übersetzig eifach nachefrage ..)

there in my heart a concern
Today I see so far there anything
me from your love Suddenly you changed

Today I am unsure
Being without you, it will make me suffer

Last night I felt, you kissed me different
And I left without knowing what to do
I know you and I know something is not right
Come, tell me the truth, I do not imagine
That was the last kiss

Oh, oh
that has not changed your attitude
Hopefully all is one error
I do not see that I lost you Nor that I show love
hear a voice that sinks into my
That I repeat again
What I do not want to hear

Today I'm insecure To be without it, it will make me suffer, oh, oh

That was the last kiss ...

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

John Lennon Casino Strap

where is it?!?!

what about our love?
do not know ...

but I know that has happened so far?
that has changed everything?

I did?
but provoke me so?
can not understand that it hurts so much?!
is not still love me?

that's wrong?
I can not understand or follow ...
not see the point of your these
nor your attitude ...

I can do?
-to improve the situation
-to regain your love
to avoid problems, to live in happiness

help me please!

Miku Miku Dance Not Open

aureliaaa @ 2004-06-01T21: 05:00

hm ... so far I can not understand everything that is happening .. I can not understand ... is that something is not right .. but why?! What has happened to our love!?! Is over?! ?! that ??!!? dimelo!! Ach has gad dr

Sailboat Cushions Mildew

the meaning of life?!?! Uiii

ultimative aschiss! --- Zum glück wäääähh matur last glii louft einigermaßen guet .. .. drfür Susch not ... so I wonder if life has meaning o no ?!?!? äuä more ni the moment ... well what gits fürn usweg frässä;?)) dance ... odr so?!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Blog, Skin, Denise Milani

ui ... has sooo filthy ids LiveJournal zschribe chunnt de .. again ... by dr matur odr so;)
no gad: bi zruggcho usem warm frank rich ... balance: move verbrönnte, nüt glernt but Zyt super gha ,) bi even "mami" worde het nämlech .... then e chline gha het where accepted from Wed mami .. u schanee severally dr papi;) d question manner only when the büebli de severally incurred hehe, because i ha no schanee even knows guet gha ni * g *

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Human Resources Internship


manner and yet .... the morning gestr Aue cho dr ufsatz gschribe hiufee mini ..... hang on ... u si fasch abgheit nami severally när schanee cho, hei gha u funny ;)
bi with him with u dr u ct to ihrere Kollegi n to Ittigen ... Salvi is ufem Possible Zügli xi ... si o ni hei gwüsst where Dürer u so hets e när interesting walk GÄ;) si vou me dürer place on Fausch. . ya ... si no me gad gnue früe cho forthe rebate u hei, is 19 - ... and severally pay huere geil xi am afang ... när abr severally says dr scratch-master at th .. cho Chli längwilig xi, chasch ni dance drzue u so .. Isa manner as always umlageret duurend xi vo admirer ... Trötzer schanee bi worde oi agmacht stupid .. itz benefits nid mau Öpis me .. we r girls Fründ drbi het tsts .. ... eh yes . and where u ct to fetch drinks schanee si ga u so i bi dr skin with colleague from ct to the dance .. quite blib müehsam xi Tues abzwimmle manne;) me si när quite long ... the other UFE floor table ragga Gloff ... ke het sou ussert punched me ... drfür zuegluegt hei aui (toll mou, ().... Aeba ... süsch tables around the large u all guet xi ... si me när UFE shuttle-bus and UFE letzzt Moonliner hei .... tja .. gshclafe ha i när no es ni zytli;)
Hüt Morge hei mr looong uspennt ha när no schnäu with chwöschterli u mims mim papi it ründeli Tues city dräit hei det u no it fine zvrieri kouft .... ha u no Chli "TASK" gmacht tv .. vorem aso ... meh Sun-üebig alibi;) morn ha i "free" in the morning ( Although having fak.englsich .. abr ga ni) de cha .. u no i am schnäu schanee ga SCIFA goodbye before he has to RS id, (((

Conclusion: eis vo mine coolest sit long weekends;!)

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Orlando Outlet Moncler

so .. gestr it sixth in the English hammer .. tja ... Hats xi easy manner again .... at noon hei mr no churz ar laura its gfiiret geburi ... . gsamllet u again süsch material forthe maturzytig .. fröie Wed shco is certainly funny ,.... bi to xi city danton no ir, ha müesse erlüterige Chouf "` s death "-... u ha när süsch no Chli gshoppet .... jewelry gkouft (e chetti, u 2 finger rings) .. u eifach Chli lädälä ga ... ha öpper mega viu Lüt gad xe .... including no dsabä the flyer ... u när de loebeegge where i am ufd Isa gwartet ha, si sudden lech d zina eva ud uftoucht ... dzina MITEM alian .. ne'd know even nümm gha ... well u no d sarah de severally si aui zämä ga ir cuba dance bar .. ct to ui si no skin Chli lädälä ga ...
in no manner Poschi adi .. xi hei no umegstürmt weigh jam from samsti ... mau luege do wasi itz because .. of course would prefer to mr scho lech, we chönnt with schanee Öpis i do .. we dä abr unsverrecke wott ni ( Amplifier him ni really, sorry), as de haut i ga house works as odr hiphop jam, with noemie odr odr Isa so ....
Aeba yes .. itz morn de mau ga Chli pfüsele u at namittag de ufsatz Train Preparation room u no u so ufrume :((((

Sunday, March 7, 2004

What If You Lose A Toenail

fuck ... hehe

jaja .... easy to e grew xi .. gscwhänzt Chli u so;) u on Fri no free e haubtag gno ... .. a bi ^ b donnsti abe to schanee ... si on Fri with sine brüetsche is alpamare is cool ... so u xi hei gestr mr Chli uspennt gluegt dvds .. u so ... u no Hüt after the boy's great-aunt ga ... fine dining restaurant imne .. it cools the weekend .... xi dummerwis ha i wiedermau afa storms wäg next weekend ... ... compete with umbedingt schanee as hiphop jam .. bi scho long nümm ga dance with him. .. lso schisst Mi a alleid with Froue z ga wed eh au 5 minute stupid agfiggt wirdsch abr ... he knows what no ni because he makes (ok yes i Amplifier) ... ds problem where i ha fashion that i ni cha Amplifier that he possibly because Öpis with wott thai do ... damn, he grew 21 geit när id rs .... u de cha ma wou but no dr samsti (on Fri blib darfi deheim, ha on samsti Morge früe matur-üebigsufsatz u de sötti sch si Chli fit ).... spend Fründin with dr? ds is huere problem SCRAPBOOK FR SA he is because we preferred thai dr ds ha .. u i o xeit me clean it .. sure gwüssi consequenceless ha. schliesslech him ha i gnue früe gfragt (extra!!) u cha ma wou expect no dr Fruens villech ds xe before är geit Mon 21 grew ga ... chriegerle schliesslech sure he chunt när ni always hot weekend UI äuä o ni Zyt always ha (mature steit )..... before dr u door de cha no ma mind on last weekend but dr greatest wish fulfilled ... odr ni müglech severally ds =? i bi xi druf ghüület huere shit ... ha no u so .. eifach wöui ds gfüeu ha that important colleague sini si,,, ds means he would rather het si ... u ds ds would schlimmschte for mi .... eufach chas ni da Amplifier ... how söui Wed concentrate ir Schüür,,, we all hope i di Zyt Dasse geit samsti on ... what is si, we, he has me on Sat that he chunnt on samsti ni .. for example, on söui samsti Morge dä piss-ufsatz Schriber? !'d never think that with so öppis Sun next mega geit .... ha süsch always harder vrsuecht gfüeu nid z la prospective economic ha ... i always no problem that it huere mi * mat (Nama gänderet) het Sun vrdammt ripped u huere me so sad gmacht het .... ha i sit because it huere problemu mini anxiety manner that makes circuit schanee eifach odr öpper "better" place .... ha it huere problem ... he knows u ni u süsch white o Niemer ... i bi the Word verarshct gottsjämmerlech it .. wonderful dassi Mi So quickly "recovered" u ha ha ... Wed UFE schanee Igla würklech hate eifach wonderful u no itz chas ni Amplifier ..... sick .... i huere the gfüeu vo angscht .,... i cha ds ni ha, .. makes no broken ... Wed huere fuck, ,, .. what do vrdammt söui ... cha ni eifach samsti si scho guet cho u from ... muessi Tues Wed dummi grew no düresüüüche =? i ha huere Sun vrdammti angscht !!!!:(((( (((

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Baixar Drive Nfa- 01a

damn ...

damn .... itz ha but i vrsifft gestr würklech Tues mathprob (wahrschinlechkeitsrechnig..'d easy gsi .. abr bi äuä no Chli ufdräoit gsi front mittagspouse ago) eh ... yes yes .. hei de no 3 preview de cha .. i ds ufhole guet .. eventually: P hei
Chli früecher dele span is usgha wäg teacher conference .. no good we moderate Chli früecher deheim manner .... no morn WETTI Chli i aberverkouf sött ... no büecher cds u ir biblärä zruggbringe .... u no süsch Chli umeöigle ga ... yes u när no ha de churz with dr ct to abgmacht .. wott abr de ufs 20:49 Poschi wöu ma ni ... as long city ir blib . At the frying would öppis Geils in the water works and o in tonis .... if i cha ga mau luege prospective economic u who mitchunnt! mau d noemie ask u no MITEM schanee luege dancen .. hm .. wott umbedingt ga! ah yes ... on samsti would o no Geils trains .... in prestige "Muevete" (This would no gad uf dr dr guest list wöu College organized party) and dj Aystep in Guayas, dancehall vibes in graffiti (det wäri gloub o uf dr guest list ).... oh well .. any manner cha äuä när ni eh ga.muss würklech no MITEM schanee luege dä geit yes no id ferie ... villech ga o de haut i chat with u so ad dr faba fasnacht Gugge ... mau ... so ... ha gmacht wiedermau nüt schlaus care! u no itz Chli u so u de ... ga mau einscih pfüsele ....

Monday, February 23, 2004

How To Repair Foam Soap Dispenser

hm ... Wucher

so ... ha itz scho it nüt zytli me gschribe u has no ni gmerkt;)
ha O di letzti schueuwuche of civil .... it despite some probe.ds wucheend manner again usprogrammiert mau gsi bi ,.... on Frying from de 7 Chli hood to va. hei my dvd `s gluegt u Chli gmüetlech vorem gässä tv. AConnect bi with i no i dr noemie usgang.mir Chli si si me after bern.när ga ds artemisia sueche, wöu house det u RNB Gloff manner. het u viu Lüt gha het clean but no dancing. haut de si me again gange si u när det ... prestige is destroyed and several no easy gsi, d Lüt ud music severally quite ok gsi.abr när si cho Sun stripper (dr bouncer het üs destroyed ni wöue Inela, it sig ni 18 u ha ... blabla Wed gfragt really why suddenly trigger further Lechitic 20 ... ha i drum de gschnaut why he was so stupid het ta) u me heis gad revenge strub finding it. wöu severally ni Sun Üses conditions gsi and lso sized gad Chli seehr krass gsi. me de si haut si när gschobe u again is artemisia.det acho hei destroyed me gad müesse fürn pose for photo Tillate;) de u si mr ämu ga dancer-.sich huere gel gsi, d music severally würklech geil gsi ud Lüt actual lech ou easy. it het üs ämu gfaue, hei üs no Chli la Ilad u hot with no paarne umegstusst het ... of course as always some lech müehsami type gha .. noema het när UFE two moon drum liner wöue mau si me around your hood 2 gange.hätte no öppis wöue eat but meh gha het nüt where offa gsi manner. moon in the liner back and severally Wed hated gsi type (one-ass find me mau dä het wöue to hot nachefouge) yes .... när ha i very long pfüselet, Chli gsträberlet (gmacht math u spanish) de u när no Chli gluegt tv. on 6 gange bi i, d va het eifach z Poschi verpassst, tsts, u ha de ir d eva city affected. si zämä after Schönbühl gfahre for a chrigäs geburi. ha in the train before sms när ni si dana Becho that chönne a schanee `s party cho. has always gwüsst gha Dasse shcief again geit.di Choei o never promised ihri haute! yes u het de haut d shasu gseit o si ni .... chömi bir chrige severally öpper no Niemer gsi, but resembled party eva ui hei gha (hei em dj e fröid gmacht wöu me .. Chli si ga dance music and severally geil gsi) ... so where aui de si cho hei scho me again müesse ga (ha Wed Chli with no dr guet u eva unger haute bi när UFE Elfenau bsu.schanee severally Wed endstation MITEM velo de a cho ... ha fetch villages UFE saddle sit, de ha i ni müesse Louf .. abr ha gha angscht that I e boue accident;) abr si gad guet acho u bi när de Dusse gsi with others where o si det gsi. ds thema nr.1 natural manner lech music star gsi dinn ... hei me no töggelet Chli u drink, etc. ... si gässä actual lech Aue's easy Lüt gsi, ha although fasch Niemer knows gha (yeah, wed shasu u Dana & Tina would be if it were cho gäbiger gsi) -.. abr manner possible gmüetlech gsi. Sun bi ga mau around 4 penne (HEI's asleep in the guest room bed ... ha imne chliine angäblech dr monsieur it some mau usem kicket näscht * g *)... tja .. u back at 9 de scho ufgstande cottage henceforth z brush abr easy manner ... ... ume gsi lunch rooms bi i gluegt när det hei ... no to schanee grandfather with no sim u so u Grosi gfiiret gässä u u u soo Chli dvd * g * yes u yesterday at the bi schlussendlech 9 am abe deheim glandet (actual lech ha scho ursprünglech on nami wöue heiga cha ma sini .... But plans change so u ma het schanee yes only 1 in geburi ..) well ... bi ämu Hüt dead tomorrow gsi .. . englscih in the discussion, as always ... ha mi trotz müedigkeit beteiligt:) ja u de no chli is dütsch ineghöcklet u no chli türnerlet(dr liechtathletiker isch wiedermau uftoucht u het mi gloubs würklech erkennt...het ämu aube so blöd bliiget)...ja u de het no chli dskurbeli blöd g`öiglet wo bi komisches viech;) ja u spansich prob ha i ono zruggbecho(4.8) u när mau heigange.,..ha no math gmacht(fürd prob morn) und tv gluegt(El, und no frauen-tausch..e huere scheiss) u i tz tue i haut no chli umetöggele u umesurfe....
schlafe wirdi sicher guet(haha ha erst später i*g*)

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Brotherprinter Status Monitor Offline

nur no 12! Wucher

juhuu nur no 12 wuche schueu!!!!när nie meh:)))))
scho wieder es weekend verbi..geit imme ru schnäu;(
grew last ha ha ... no i guet übrstande few sample zruggbecho (with Q ergäbnis) uo mini-graduation work zruggbecho note ... severally zwüsche 5 u 5.5 .... itz chunnts no uf Tues mündlechi presentation druf a;)
bi frying on me .. jenny dr ir city ice ga ga ze .... Chli their 18.geburi Fiire u när AConnect to schanee manner ... ... cool gsi bi gestr with him u när no jones city id. . Chli enttüscht u bi gsi that mr ni si odr cinema is so .. abr i ha mau gspunne again .... hope u gnärvt nid that the het irgendwelchi konsequänzä: (((i
ha de haut Chli gluegt music star .. . severally resembled me gad dassi next samsti ni cha Lueger (severally anyway Niemer drbi meh where i find the quality würklech) ... bi nämlech next samsti gad a 2 geburiparties iglade .... a more chrigä before u vo schanee ... itz ga i skin a beidi scho ... betting against the class hides o gse.drum ga i with shasu destroyed after schönbüehl u AConnect gö me de Dana u Tina is no uf muri .... eh easy ... so .. no it next week some sample u so ....

Monday, February 9, 2004

Wii I Spy Paper City Arrows

No 13 ...

so .. ha ämu it guet gha weekend, but no strength at donnsti chrank bi gsi ha .... I firmly müeh GÄ dassi gha on Fri again gsung gsi bi bi ... but with emne storm Chopf u so ufgstande, ha när extra gmacht nüt ussert in bettli umeliege manner ... när ämu better addressed ud dana severally Sun gäg the 2 cho .. me hot topic müesse it for Franz-sueche lecture me surf .... si Chli ga u hei it quickly subjects finding it (prostitution: les esclaves de p. au kosovo)...dr räscht vor zyt hei mir vorauem für privati gsprächli gnützt(so i däm stil vo de mittagspouse-gspräch..aso keni details*g*)....ja u de ischsi ämu einisch gange...ig bi när am abe mit schanee ga chinesisch esse(im restaurant peking).....isch mega fein gsi!ha ihn iglade8wäg dr u liebe hilf bir MA)...ja u de si mir aschliessend no ga "torque" luege..isch ni gad dr geilst fium, so wie igs erwartet ha...eifach gueti action...aber handlig u sinn hets eigentlech gar kene;) e si no es par peoplez u s sire aute klass det gsi u de si mr när no mit dene eis ga zie...u si de ufe letzt zug..bim ufelouffe ha i de gmerkt dassi no ni so gsung bi öppe fasch umgheit!aber ha när chli chönne usruihe .... yes u because i ha öpper's asleep until about 4, obwou mr ni mau i usgang si ;).... details Waerden before author censored * g *..... on samsti hei me öpper huere long ..'s asleep u de no once upon a time in mexico dvd gluegt uf ... ha öpper nüt gschnaut, severally to gsi uf eng .. only part of the English-gsprochnig ha i verstange .... jaja mini-knowledgeable in English, di si ! himmutruurig yes u de hei mr gmüetlech zmittag eat gmacht (ui ha d salad sauce vrsifft comment vo ... Alain: Tues aso sauce severally würklech hässlech ... at least he severally directly gsi;)) ... u no me de hei Chli tv ui gluegt ha umbedingt wöue ga gamen (ps2) ... lech ha of course as always .... verloore o bi bim shooter huere sorry i turn gsi;) ds all manner när no ie Haubi brawl usgartet:) or bi i ämu eifach penetrated cho, ha long before luter laugh nümm chönne schnuufe; (
on abe si me de no ice with em jones ga ze in a good mood ... no'd abgmacht with faba gha for is national. . eh yes ... i ke ha när Aeba glace bstellt gha (sini manner well known for fine glace ).... u ds e severally large error gsi .. u schanee jones hot it banana-coup bstellt no es de z fried (vanilla ice cream with apricot-piece u nidle) eifach ui ha e-blueberry shake bstellt gfragt .. ha Wed why the eat as viu wei .... abr Aeba .. d serveuse severally cho u Tues evil Buebe hei Tues glace gha bstellt for mi: (((eh yes .. has aso ni may eat .. severally scho gsi fine, abr eifach z viu ig bi när schnäll! Zude Poschi wöu jee ds Usgang outfit i put het.wo Zrugg is in good spirits cho bi si si wenisgtens so nice gsi u s completed gässä hei gha ... schanee severally när is prestige, jones severally ui hei bi när ni with faba is nationally but with Daniela (ha bi de se previously poschis gse u gha gha Wed churzfristig iglade with her is guayas ga z ).... as hiphop jam het tuusegi vo Lüt gha where agstange si! and sack-sized Tüür no gsi drzeue (ha ha ).... 30 pay stub no Chli MITEM toni Gredt gha (sini geburiparty gsi, producer octoposse vo ).... yes u si me ämu de ga dance ... hesch eifach chum space-gha, severally öpper usverkouft gsi .. machine safety frederic extra WAEGA me vo bern avenches to cho ... (he het Wed gfragt if he no bi me chönnt penne .. hhehe what söu ds i dä know her chum ).... abr ha ni gse him at all;)
hei mau again vili Nätti Our offers dance-Becho .. abr ha würklech ke gha loss with somne type z dance. . for me hei üs PTS fun gha i o we should do according to Ha ... ha ni ono aui Lüt from flyers gse u u heis easy .... gha-sized Chli leidr me shit going on ... Eh, yes, .. . u were quite funny druf gsi severally severally dr cuong gsi;) dä het öpper o par Schlück z viu gha .. isc huere abdacnen on trees u-smiles ... gsi bi när scho ufe two moon liner (despite dr guet music .. i ha eifach ni may) ... ha mis monetary nümm finding it .. bi fasch verzwiflet u ha när schanee AgLU ¨ te ... dä manner yet so darling e gsi u het när me quickly Chli money done! de bi i UFE moon liner .. jee severally ono cho (severally amne ska-concert gsi) ... and yes i am ha sunnti huere puff with mim mami gha .. wöui Aeba bi guayas is held nationally is u so .. .. bi Chli agro gsi to mim pere ... u het när si gmeint usgang villages next week i ni i, süsch dörfi 21 ni to chrige / so ... so ... ha ir Schüür agfange Hüt guet, ha gad it 6 zruggbecho (English) ... u Dütsch lecture ha ... i oscho dürer Aeba morn ... i ga no ufd akbb (ha, organized so that Mi gschickt time gad "per zuefau" manner because we'd Latin i) ... yes ... but no 13 u Aeba Schüür grew to matur .. what a joy ....

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Candid-hd Alternative

neiii! So is Schons

huere shit ..... itz bi Tues but no ill worde .. as always i dä ferie .. ok, ha skin right viu los gha Tues very Zyt, usgang, etc. ... u bi eh scho it zytli Haub chrank gsi .... usgrechnet abr gad itz UFDs endi vo de ferie ... itz where i no u so sött Tues lectures do! i `m really pissed off!
bi gestr tomorrow at 5 uf .... yes and no with the namittag mim Grosi is cinema-.ue funny Fium gsi (tais-toi with g.depardieu and j.reno ).... abr het gad dr I ds räscht SCRAPBOOK .. u när no manner Steffu gsi bim jee u me no es hei gno malibu .. u de bi gad i quite dürer gsi ...
ha när abverreckti funny ... ha gha alptröim öpper chum gschlafe ... (itz mau vrzeue Tues tröim nid gsi slanting ,.... vou eh !!)... yes ... u Hüt Morge bi ufgwachet i mitemne Chopf as e balloon mega hot ... ha .. ha gha u so very dr tag gmacht nüt umeliege other of the bed, water abr even drink ... ha dr gmacht Dütsch-forwards (* congratulate *) u ha no Chli Lord of the Rings radio play glost .... yes .. itz hoffi dassi morn again to fit bi, schliesslech sötti morn nami with dr dana forwards make (French) u'd abe is the cinema wöue u no ga wöue Chinese ässä hope .. that works:) so ..
ga ga re Chli pfüsele ...

Monday, February 2, 2004

1920 Gangster Wallpaper

lied! Ändlech

I used to think that I could not go on And life was nothing but
an awful song But now I know
the meaning of true love
I'm leaning on the Everlasting Arms
If I can see it, then I can do
it If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
{1} - I believe I can fly I believe I can touch
the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
See I was on the verge of breaking down
Sometimes silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me, oh
If I can see it, then I can be it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
{Repeat 1}
Hey, cuz I believe in me, oh
If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothign to it
{Repeat 1}
Hey, if I just spread my wings
I can fly
I can fly
I can fly, hey
If spread my wings I can fly

Curtain Holdbacks Installation And Placement

ischs wieder warm;)

dr so .... I just 1.ferietag severally sch o fasch verbii; (
u no bi ... more Mueed
bi gestr on namittag with schanee ga ... Schlittler twilight söttmä äuä more water-sledding SCIFA * g *. It Lüt gha het mega d, abr chum meh .... snow bi bim go all wet worde ... lso m ha igs wiedermau einisch meh gschafft Wed z disgrace;) bi imne beautiful fall i sone of defense gfloge .... vou hane! abr het ni skin so sad ta .. hei ..... eifach glachet aui si ni me so long blib si u när no ga kebab eating u när no me ... . lech sudden bilateral Worde .... i mega Mueed äuä of snow from Dusse u si .... ha no tv at gluegt AABE (yes, music star * g *)
ISHC abr ni so exciting gsi (actual sized lech never, look there before us öpper luter stupidity ..)... favorite mini severally ämu witer cho (Danielle) ... has abr finding it very strange that basti USEG ingredients ... en het ä hammer-voting gha! vo me us gse het gestr dr sergio at worst dished gsung (obwou he ni me bad gfaut u dance cha huere lech o u actually sing) ... eh .. yes yes severally pfüselet ni so important ... ha när ämu nice u Hüt morning gmüetlech Chli tv .. gluegt Sun Chli any shit out cho ingredients ... Franklin, case in 4 walls, ha ...... Wed abr när de chönne zämäriisse u finally resembled no Chli franz gläsä ..... ga ga Chli abr nÄ sure no tv luege * g
u morn weissi no ni to ga ... ga mim Grosi zmittag u eat in the morning id city with no mim mami ... u at nami äuä öppis with schanee ungernä ... i `ll see ....
but hate the Schüür! Nid mau cha ma ide ferie usspanne! Nei i may tuusegi vo büecher were reading, learning sample lectures u do ... i `m really pissed off!

Sunday, February 1, 2004

Fakku Down January 15


so beautiful, grew ferie e z ha:)
bi wiedermau Chli usgang gsi violently in the manner weekend.abr easy gsi bi yesterday morning with mim u mami mire Schwo id City, obwou i nüt practically's asleep ha ha gad mini French! -u Hispanic matur reading gkouft (le tour du monde en 80 jours, l enfant `noir, l enfant` du sable and La casa de Bernarda Alba) skin. wöui on namittag nüt los ha gha, ha i gsträbärlet Chli and even ds united franz afa-Buëch laesa (tour du monde ...) i bi gad begeisteret manner it Eifach Bueche, exciting and d gschicht Kenni eh scho:) dr
Haub namittag abr ha i did ni pennt.has gmerkt u bi MITEM igschlafe Buech ir at hand .... AABE bi i när with schanee u id jones city, si eis ga ze. Isa severally när no cho ... u later bi i (bi scho it zytli nümm gsi) with their no is dr hammer gsi wiedermau manner, rather easy het abr no Lüt gha) ... sound manner eifach perfect gsi! u i obwou dürer mega gsi bi, ha i may dance like no never;) eifach ha dä sound Gnoss .... leidr liable for Isa ni soo guet severally Tues been completely powerless Zyt Haub, ha they Häb müesse that si ni me o umgheit isch.drum hei viu Pousen igleit quite what süsch aube says dr ni fau isch.abr si o hets horny finding it. ds si müehsam as usual manne d gsi. it is hot schnäu (gfragt Tues hei is abr äuä öpper o gad, that i always ar si ha gha hand. angscht drum si het gha that süsch si no very sudden lech umgheit) üs aui to gscharet ... and ha einegi müesse abwimmle (ISAE manner as less incisive gsi * g *)... manner no fun .. it gsi het so 3 colleague gha .. destroyed het dr wöue one with me dancing, när ha i prefer twilight gmacht clear dassi ni Betting .. . när he severally to sine colleague Zrugg u de hei si zämä Gredt u när de severally no dr 2nd u de o DR 3 cho .. i hiufe e bet si hei gwettet that creates Wed z persuasive;) abr very bi gsi stubborn;))) nei abr ha anyway rather allei dancing ... hot abr no easy type-sized e avenches us know ... de hei mr franz Chli talk to the chönne ... u ct to när manner with prospective economic humberto gsi ... ui ha villages chörb SCRAPBOOK:) abr Aeba, manner in the large u all Würker geil gsi ... mau mau ga lying if iz next;) ev NeXT samsti abr ... mau lie, only we ga äuä schanee mitchunt. wöu allei we only moderate with moderate chunt Froue manner as for dance even no us usrede Luter, why me dance ... ah yes .. wott ni ha gha gseit united on, it tüeg'm sorry, dassi ni dance with him, 1 chönni i ni ds 2nd dance u 2 ma i ni, i sig Mueed z;)
fasch manner as we'd gseit i, ds d früess we have ta (* g * insider)
abe bi itz i mega fit ... ha Chrz, abr pfüselet guet .... u'd quite like no ga Schlittler UFE belts ... fout dr snow no ni gschmolze ingredients ...

Friday, January 30, 2004

Orabase Kenalog Cat Mouth


i bi gad uf dr after Schüür schnäu d akbb (academic and career guidance ).... i dfs huus finding it ha, ha no Wed vrirrt fasch .. luckily I then e ghulfe het type;) ha när there few portfolio usglehnt ( psychology teacher s-1 ..)... u no ha gad e abgmacht time .. hope that brings mau ds öppis! de cha I MI de mau villech finally decide where scho .. öppis fasch safe manner, severally dassi wott uf Fribourg ga ... I det hets gfaue mega, severally härzig ... u d o det va wott äuä, at least i de bi ni allei;) is just eh si öppis studying other of strength ... well .... that is ... ga ga mau schnäu öppis supper do u ga even de furt any manner mau mau no hope ... that the aui chöme wos o gseit hei .. git mega fun:) hehe

Flowers In The Attic Syndrome


, mi last schueutag sportferie ... u när ni ga while away but Chli free ha severally öppis always nice ... ha i leidr leidr letztwuche mini PorB filthy, so severally oz resultat shit usecho (Dütsch: Latin 3.8 l: 3) ... schisst Wed SCHÖNBRUNN usgrächnet a. .. itz where Aue proposed severally u so churz vo dr matur .. but is no hoffentlech chönne ufehole!'d Wed schüsch flush aschisse .... bi iedermau shame pares rather wait u beautiful here in the pc-ir Schüür ruum UFDs tinäli ... cha de si no Chli bliige ui would have to Wed längwile ni ... ha novor fast i di akademischi bruefsberatig z ga .. villech bringts öppis yes!

när no einisch Chli ga lädälä u de hei ... u wait till ii usgang cha;)

Thursday, January 29, 2004

How Much Can A 14 Foot Jon Boat Hold


juhuuu ... ha mini Lüt mitchöme finding it out .. itz Froue with de si e vo Ganzi group;) chönnt no easy Waerden ... skin-mau ohni manne;)
fröie Wed scho ... is eh prospective economic zwäg wed faba with colleagues held chunnt ...

ou .. yes u at samsti muessi eifach umbedingt is guayas wiedermau ga ... hiphop dance;) cha eifach Aue de bi ... again i dr glücklechscht uf mönsch more wäut .. Tues music tuet mega guet hope ... . only that Mi d accompany (ISAE) in random Latin u ni hope e gwüssi use the other person chunnt o;) severally yes itz possible ... i mean who the clean white ...
easy ... chunnt scho guet

How To Connect Hitachi Dz-mv3000e Dvdcam With Pc


so .. ha Wed resolute but rather uf bärndütsch z Schriber .. schliesslech's higher Dütsch for mi as e frömdsprach;) bi ni sooo talented in high Dütsch .. hehe, u brändütsch severally gäbiger ...
Auso ...

Brazillian Wax Newcastle

my last geo-lesson:)

juhuuuuu! never geo! was n `cool day today .. could auschlafen clock went to 9:30, then with schanee in the city ... then went shopping to eat lunch Neufeld ... as always we had a fun lunch (I must add that our topic of conversation day to day always nievauloser but all the funnier). I think it is really time to leave the Gymer .. in English, we watched a film about garcia UNT lorca.war still exciting ... and we ate cake in the geo comfortable drank juice and ... well in math and I had ... Dänu again nothing better to do than stupid honky-heftli to lesen.dafür we had our fun!
I went shopping with LIVA and cosi ... we wanted to scour shops some .... but it was so out that we just download one of our time spent;) in the h & m. .. it was selling out and so we came loaded thick with a lot of underwear, etc. aud the h & m out;)
Liva, va and I ate quickly migros take away a sandwich and then met the others (Franzi, Mira, cosi) ... in divino we talked with a fine warm chocolate ....
were then va, LIVA (her boyfriend) and I had yet to kino.wir our coupons benutzen.somit January to the end, this was the only Possibility to decay they can not be watched ... "the company" to .. a very beautiful film, for my claims too little action, etc. .. would rather be a 2nd time honey Go look, well;)
now ... have I will not make tonight more tomorrow .. finally we have the last school day before the holiday tomorrow night .. and I still have a lot before (go with some ladies from n my class and prestige to the ladies night ... is always nice when you can go free in the output :).....)...