Sunday, February 1, 2004

Fakku Down January 15


so beautiful, grew ferie e z ha:)
bi wiedermau Chli usgang gsi violently in the manner weekend.abr easy gsi bi yesterday morning with mim u mami mire Schwo id City, obwou i nüt practically's asleep ha ha gad mini French! -u Hispanic matur reading gkouft (le tour du monde en 80 jours, l enfant `noir, l enfant` du sable and La casa de Bernarda Alba) skin. wöui on namittag nüt los ha gha, ha i gsträbärlet Chli and even ds united franz afa-Buëch laesa (tour du monde ...) i bi gad begeisteret manner it Eifach Bueche, exciting and d gschicht Kenni eh scho:) dr
Haub namittag abr ha i did ni pennt.has gmerkt u bi MITEM igschlafe Buech ir at hand .... AABE bi i när with schanee u id jones city, si eis ga ze. Isa severally när no cho ... u later bi i (bi scho it zytli nümm gsi) with their no is dr hammer gsi wiedermau manner, rather easy het abr no Lüt gha) ... sound manner eifach perfect gsi! u i obwou dürer mega gsi bi, ha i may dance like no never;) eifach ha dä sound Gnoss .... leidr liable for Isa ni soo guet severally Tues been completely powerless Zyt Haub, ha they Häb müesse that si ni me o umgheit isch.drum hei viu Pousen igleit quite what süsch aube says dr ni fau isch.abr si o hets horny finding it. ds si müehsam as usual manne d gsi. it is hot schnäu (gfragt Tues hei is abr äuä öpper o gad, that i always ar si ha gha hand. angscht drum si het gha that süsch si no very sudden lech umgheit) üs aui to gscharet ... and ha einegi müesse abwimmle (ISAE manner as less incisive gsi * g *)... manner no fun .. it gsi het so 3 colleague gha .. destroyed het dr wöue one with me dancing, när ha i prefer twilight gmacht clear dassi ni Betting .. . när he severally to sine colleague Zrugg u de hei si zämä Gredt u när de severally no dr 2nd u de o DR 3 cho .. i hiufe e bet si hei gwettet that creates Wed z persuasive;) abr very bi gsi stubborn;))) nei abr ha anyway rather allei dancing ... hot abr no easy type-sized e avenches us know ... de hei mr franz Chli talk to the chönne ... u ct to när manner with prospective economic humberto gsi ... ui ha villages chörb SCRAPBOOK:) abr Aeba, manner in the large u all Würker geil gsi ... mau mau ga lying if iz next;) ev NeXT samsti abr ... mau lie, only we ga äuä schanee mitchunt. wöu allei we only moderate with moderate chunt Froue manner as for dance even no us usrede Luter, why me dance ... ah yes .. wott ni ha gha gseit united on, it tüeg'm sorry, dassi ni dance with him, 1 chönni i ni ds 2nd dance u 2 ma i ni, i sig Mueed z;)
fasch manner as we'd gseit i, ds d früess we have ta (* g * insider)
abe bi itz i mega fit ... ha Chrz, abr pfüselet guet .... u'd quite like no ga Schlittler UFE belts ... fout dr snow no ni gschmolze ingredients ...


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