Monday, February 9, 2004

Wii I Spy Paper City Arrows

No 13 ...

so .. ha ämu it guet gha weekend, but no strength at donnsti chrank bi gsi ha .... I firmly müeh GÄ dassi gha on Fri again gsung gsi bi bi ... but with emne storm Chopf u so ufgstande, ha när extra gmacht nüt ussert in bettli umeliege manner ... när ämu better addressed ud dana severally Sun gäg the 2 cho .. me hot topic müesse it for Franz-sueche lecture me surf .... si Chli ga u hei it quickly subjects finding it (prostitution: les esclaves de p. au kosovo)...dr räscht vor zyt hei mir vorauem für privati gsprächli gnützt(so i däm stil vo de mittagspouse-gspräch..aso keni details*g*)....ja u de ischsi ämu einisch gange...ig bi när am abe mit schanee ga chinesisch esse(im restaurant peking).....isch mega fein gsi!ha ihn iglade8wäg dr u liebe hilf bir MA)...ja u de si mir aschliessend no ga "torque" luege..isch ni gad dr geilst fium, so wie igs erwartet ha...eifach gueti action...aber handlig u sinn hets eigentlech gar kene;) e si no es par peoplez u s sire aute klass det gsi u de si mr när no mit dene eis ga zie...u si de ufe letzt zug..bim ufelouffe ha i de gmerkt dassi no ni so gsung bi öppe fasch umgheit!aber ha när chli chönne usruihe .... yes u because i ha öpper's asleep until about 4, obwou mr ni mau i usgang si ;).... details Waerden before author censored * g *..... on samsti hei me öpper huere long ..'s asleep u de no once upon a time in mexico dvd gluegt uf ... ha öpper nüt gschnaut, severally to gsi uf eng .. only part of the English-gsprochnig ha i verstange .... jaja mini-knowledgeable in English, di si ! himmutruurig yes u de hei mr gmüetlech zmittag eat gmacht (ui ha d salad sauce vrsifft comment vo ... Alain: Tues aso sauce severally würklech hässlech ... at least he severally directly gsi;)) ... u no me de hei Chli tv ui gluegt ha umbedingt wöue ga gamen (ps2) ... lech ha of course as always .... verloore o bi bim shooter huere sorry i turn gsi;) ds all manner när no ie Haubi brawl usgartet:) or bi i ämu eifach penetrated cho, ha long before luter laugh nümm chönne schnuufe; (
on abe si me de no ice with em jones ga ze in a good mood ... no'd abgmacht with faba gha for is national. . eh yes ... i ke ha när Aeba glace bstellt gha (sini manner well known for fine glace ).... u ds e severally large error gsi .. u schanee jones hot it banana-coup bstellt no es de z fried (vanilla ice cream with apricot-piece u nidle) eifach ui ha e-blueberry shake bstellt gfragt .. ha Wed why the eat as viu wei .... abr Aeba .. d serveuse severally cho u Tues evil Buebe hei Tues glace gha bstellt for mi: (((eh yes .. has aso ni may eat .. severally scho gsi fine, abr eifach z viu ig bi när schnäll! Zude Poschi wöu jee ds Usgang outfit i put het.wo Zrugg is in good spirits cho bi si si wenisgtens so nice gsi u s completed gässä hei gha ... schanee severally när is prestige, jones severally ui hei bi när ni with faba is nationally but with Daniela (ha bi de se previously poschis gse u gha gha Wed churzfristig iglade with her is guayas ga z ).... as hiphop jam het tuusegi vo Lüt gha where agstange si! and sack-sized Tüür no gsi drzeue (ha ha ).... 30 pay stub no Chli MITEM toni Gredt gha (sini geburiparty gsi, producer octoposse vo ).... yes u si me ämu de ga dance ... hesch eifach chum space-gha, severally öpper usverkouft gsi .. machine safety frederic extra WAEGA me vo bern avenches to cho ... (he het Wed gfragt if he no bi me chönnt penne .. hhehe what söu ds i dä know her chum ).... abr ha ni gse him at all;)
hei mau again vili Nätti Our offers dance-Becho .. abr ha würklech ke gha loss with somne type z dance. . for me hei üs PTS fun gha i o we should do according to Ha ... ha ni ono aui Lüt from flyers gse u u heis easy .... gha-sized Chli leidr me shit going on ... Eh, yes, .. . u were quite funny druf gsi severally severally dr cuong gsi;) dä het öpper o par Schlück z viu gha .. isc huere abdacnen on trees u-smiles ... gsi bi när scho ufe two moon liner (despite dr guet music .. i ha eifach ni may) ... ha mis monetary nümm finding it .. bi fasch verzwiflet u ha när schanee AgLU ¨ te ... dä manner yet so darling e gsi u het när me quickly Chli money done! de bi i UFE moon liner .. jee severally ono cho (severally amne ska-concert gsi) ... and yes i am ha sunnti huere puff with mim mami gha .. wöui Aeba bi guayas is held nationally is u so .. .. bi Chli agro gsi to mim pere ... u het när si gmeint usgang villages next week i ni i, süsch dörfi 21 ni to chrige / so ... so ... ha ir Schüür agfange Hüt guet, ha gad it 6 zruggbecho (English) ... u Dütsch lecture ha ... i oscho dürer Aeba morn ... i ga no ufd akbb (ha, organized so that Mi gschickt time gad "per zuefau" manner because we'd Latin i) ... yes ... but no 13 u Aeba Schüür grew to matur .. what a joy ....


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