Thursday, May 28, 2009

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estate and residence permit in Germany

Many Russian entrepreneurs, deciding to play the role of investors in Germany are well aware of that, having invested heavily in enterprise or ensuring the availability of new jobs, they are able to obtain a residence permit in Germany. More detail, we considered this issue in February issue. But few are aware that obtaining a residence permit also helps in purchasing real estate property in the territory FRG. But not every self-respecting firm could highlight this aspect in detail. The purpose of this article - to fill the gap.

type in this If it does not matter until the object is used for housing rather than commercial or industrial purposes (eg, hotel, etc.) When purchasing real estate property owner is entitled to obtain a residence permit without an obligation to engage in employment. In other words, a person acquiring a certain property Germany has every right to live exclusively in the country, without working, without engaging in entrepreneurial activities. The residence permit is issued for one year and renewable every year subject to valid data at the time of issuing the residence permit. After five years, the temporal resolution loses time constraints and changes to the permanent residence permit.

Recently, we asked the customer, who wanted to buy a house in Germany. During the consultation, held in our office within a business meeting, we discussed the legal status in the context of the situation and developed a plan for success receipt of permission to stay in Germany, given its financial capabilities.

Naturally, as a last resort, the host decision assigned residence, are the authorities.

Yet the plans submitted to the foreign government, is the basis for obtaining a permit.

particular importance is the evidence that the person wishing to obtain a residence permit in Germany state ensure that their stay in the country itself. The problem for immigrants from Russia is that this fact is often confirmed by the presence of capital needed in Russia, for example, contributions to real estate. Our client is something and it was a stumbling block. But this difficulty can be overcome. Decisive factor in this case is the fact that profitability of real estate in Russia, ie its ability to provide steady income to the applicant. Properties in Russia and all its associated profit can be estimated by inviting an independent expert, and then provide expert opinion for consideration in the foreign office in Germany.

If you have purchased some property in Germany and received a residence permit, you do not have to stay in Germany. Conversely, you entitled to travel all the CIS countries and stay there for long. It is important to note that Germany has not decided to abandon property that can "feed" owner. A case when a person has sold all the property in Germany, was discharged in the table registration and returned to Russia. After some time, our hero changed his mind and decided to beat all. He returned to Germany and, despite his actual residence permit, the foreign office has banned the applicant is in West Germany.

Obtaining a residence permit based on the fact that the acquisition of property associated with many pitfalls, therefore, we necessarily suggest you contact the services of a qualified lawyer with experience in such matters. Empirically proven that the failure foreign agencies in the provision of the document is not appealable.

needed from the beginning to think all the details, to make action plan and submit agency has already prepared a package of all required documents.

Dr. Christian baths Tsvol

Dmitry Schneider

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Japanese Aircraft For Salwe

Nächste Krise Rohstoffkrise!

raw materials are scarce and so is the modern technology of the future in real danger.

gallium, neodymium, indium - the lack of such raw materials with exotic names could soon be the development of major technologies of the future slowing in the world. Manufacturers of flat panel displays and photovoltaics industries compete for indium. In electric motors of hybrid vehicles stuck neodymium magnets, and diodes, the semiconductor gallium metal needs. The increasing demand for rare metals will lead to economic constraints and fueling international conflict, as researchers warn of Berlin.

The shortage expensive Resources "will stay with us in the coming decades more," is the scientific director of the Berlin Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT), Rolf Kreibich convinced. A total of 22 commodities and 32 future technologies, the researchers have taken together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) under the microscope. The result: In the foreseeable future will be created in many areas serious bottlenecks.

boundary of the solar energy is called for it.

The demand for the metal indium particularly scarce, both competing for the display industry and the photovoltaic manufacturers, until 2030, more than three times the current production, says researcher IZT Lorenz Erdmann, one of the authors of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs commissioned study. Here, the manufacturer of displays are at an advantage because their products at the price of the expensive raw material, much less outweigh, in solar cells. "We expect that raw material shortages will limit the massive expansion of solar energy," says Erdmann.

For many such metals that are sought after for example because of their high temperature resistance, flexibility or their corrosion protection, the researchers say A similar shortage ahead. The demand for neodymium will amount to 2030, therefore four times the present production, while that for gallium even six times.

The metals are unevenly distributed across the world are the largest reserves of lithium are in Bolivia.
The occurrence of the expensive high-tech metals are therefore extremely limited because they often fall off only as a by-product in the promotion of other commodities. Indium, for example, is found in small quantities in zinc mines. The recycling of elimination in many cases because the raw materials are processed together with other metals and to separate scarcely . Let The need is difficult to estimate because they are used partly in the lack of transparency over arms industry.

war for expensive raw materials

addition, the sought-after metals are distributed unevenly in the world. The largest deposits of lithium, indispensable for the development of batteries for electric cars, for example, is Bolivia. China, however, dominates the production of neodymium to 97 percent and "has already secured the reserves in Africa," as Kreibich said. "As the railways to international conflicts." In some Countries started the war of expensive raw materials already. In the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the access to the raw ore coltan is at stake: It won the coveted tantalum which is used for example for new phones. rule on the disputed

commodity markets is already a "deliberate shortage of speculation," says Kreibich - even if the contracts run for such coveted goods mostly long term and therefore little scope FS r speculators there. For the protection of future technologies called the IZT-director of an international or at least European agency to watch over the markets. "As decided by the G-20 to the financial markets, we need transparency," says Kreibich. This should in his opinion, "can regulate it better as a virtual financial transactions in the market for metals and commodities.

indium, a small word. 2002 cost one kilograms indium USD 60 per kg, the end of 2008 the price jumped to $ 1,000.00 / kg. World production is around 1,300 tons per year, of which about 700 tons of recycling. China buys about 200 tons a year for storage. But It gets better: In the U.S., a fund called SMG Indium resource sought approval to buy up as much with the aim of indium as possible in order to drive the price ........

indium resources are already 2011 - 2013 to go running out! Ade beautiful world ........ solar alternatives are scarce.

indium can be replaced by accepting inferior technical properties of gallium and thallium. Indium has the advantage that it is non-toxic under normal conditions. gallium is also non-toxic, thallium, however, is very toxic. "

Thomas Bräutigam

Quellen IZT Berlin und Frauenhoferinstitut ISI Forschung

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cost Replace Porch Posts

Without words!

quotes from 19/05/2009/304699.shtml "In Russia, the need to introduce administrative liability for officials who openly declared that house prices will not fall. "

prices are stupid high! time of their fall

Friday, May 8, 2009

New Horse Owner Alert

Gedanken zum 9. Mai

In Russland ist der 9. Mai ein Feiertag, der Tages des Sieges über Hitlerdeutschland.

who lives in Russia but in Western Europe went to school, knowing that our Schülbücher until today the power of the Russians in World War II far as it recognizes it would have earned.

Russia was the Eastern Front is the winner but in the minds of many millions of people the Americans.

While Obama in Berlin in front of thousands spoke of people was at the memorial of the Russian soldiers in Berlin with Russian President wreath not even a representative of the Bundestag.

Had the U.S. 1945 "victory" can not the Russians in the East? Who will be busy enough with the WW II would agree with me, the answer is clearly no. I feel as West Europeans, the step-motherly treatment and is still wrong of the Russians really simple basic textbooks of the West embarrassing.

million Russians have saved the future of the WWII generation and their offspring. This risked their own lives, we owe it to them today by ignoring. We, the U.S. has made a hero and the Russian losses simply not taken seriously.

this purpose should in particular be co-wrote the historian in school books, really ashamed.

All of us who were born much later, but should perhaps just for us in quiet reflection, which would have meant it if the Russians had not fought in an eastern front, or if they do not all force would have done. In what world we would have been born?

And something we should not forget there were people who had died and there were people leading the war and the man under the paint of modern civilization has not GEAE changed. The war in Yugoslavia, Iraq and many other hotspots in recent years have led us right before our eyes.

Many problems have a WW I and II made it possible to exist in one way or another, still or again!

It does not hurt if you also check out Europe's political sympathies of time and economic greed which some forces reporting, just too modest to thank those people, who long before we were born for civilization died we have found.

Unsere Verpflichtung sollte es sein weiterhin die Zivilisation zivilisiert aufrecht zu erhalten.


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Reflections May 9

In Russia, May 9 is a public holiday, the day of victory over Nazi Germany.

Those who live in Russia, but have ever attended in Western Europe knows that our textbooks do not adequately illuminate the merits of Russian in the outcome of the Second World War.

Russia was the Eastern Front, but in the minds of millions in the image of the winners appear American.

While Obama has uttered speech in Berlin in front of thousands of people at the laying of a wreath at a monument to Russian soldiers in Berlin, the Russian president not present, no representative Parliament of Germany .

«Won" Would the United States in 1945 without the participation of Russia in the east? Connoisseurs of the history of warfare during the Second World War is fully consistent with my emphatic answer: "Never!". I like Western Europeans, really hurt and offended for unfair and wrong attitude to the Russian in the usual textbooks on the west.

Millions of Russian saved future generations of the Second World War and their descendants. Price of their lives they have made peace, for which we thank them complete lack of attention to this fact. We have made a hero of the United States, and losses among the Russian soldiers gave oblivion.

historians who participated in the drafting of programs and textbooks should be ashamed of his own creation.

all of us, born much later, it should be at least time to think about what would happen if Russian did not beat, not sparing his stomach, with the enemy on the eastern front. What kind of world would we then came to light?

and should not be forgotten more about the following: there were people who died were people who fought wars, but man one iota to change under the influence of modern civilization. War in Yugoslavia, Iraq and many other hot spots the last decade are for us good examples of such behavior.

Many of the problems that have made both the first and second World Wars reality, there and to this day.

a close eye on political preferences and the desire for economic gain, which determine the mood of many reports. never not interfere with express some gratitude to those people who died in the name of our civilization with you long before we were born.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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Was wird der naechste Aufreger?

The economic crisis has been successful shortly before 1 May the swine flu pushed out of the headlines. Now is also eaten this topic. May 1 over, and the few flu deaths are nothing compared to the 3 million people actually die each year from flu.

The question remains, what with us as Next, enjoy the press to divert attention from the real problems? It will be interesting.