Sunday, June 20, 2004

Does Xanax Show Up On A Blood Text?

It `s over now

after fasch 7 monet het circuit schanee gmacht chas ... eifach ni Amplifier it ... i bet would Aue as before .. for what läbi eigetlech no?

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Song With Giant Woman


gestr nami bi i destroyed schnäu with u anna jones ice ga ze .. is very easy manner xi ... när no gad dr adi u cho bi de suerte with him Chli is Marzili ... qué;) dr Haub Neufeld (prima ) severally gsi det ... u ... laesa Niemer on the manner guet u tuet Chli mis bad gwüsse calm ... när shasu with dr after züri ... uf dr zugfahrt hei mrs huere funny zbern si gha ... fasch UFE Fausch train, where would basel uf dä .. heis but fortunately no fasch in the last ougeblick gmerkt gha ... otra vez: qué suerte!
z züri hei mr ni viu Zyt gha u si scho gad UFE train out to Bülach ingredients ... u changed Chli gwartet müesse Tues stupid commentators would like any vo ... so crass alose ds gepfiife u so: (
severally när de gad then e bus .. vou vo cho het usgänger recruits .. no pretty cool usxe;)
hei de när UFE train gwartet eat again for some kolege züri .. vo schanee mitcho si .. si papa joe's is ga, shasu ui hei gha only Gredt Tues very Zyt u si ... üs fooled: (mi carino estuvo diferente de lo que creo que era esta normalmente porque los otros estuvieron ahi ... es logico ...
u när Chli see a ghöcklet changed ... u Chli trunke (yeah gummibärli the bugger! gäu shasu * g *) .. si hei scho no äuä fröid gah the mr cho si .. must ask de mau ... cuando no schanee tuve que muy triste despedirme Estuve;) pero me dijo adios de una manera muy carinosa * g * uf
the train ride back hei dr mrs eifach just no fun gha .. d question manner Wobser balanced manner alk (agheiteret shasu severally foams) odr eifach obs üs Sun gfaue het guet ... hehe --- tja .. iz Chli laesa u learn .. u at de ga bädälä abe i

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Candy Centerpieces Toronto

all good;) für WAS

usgang juhuuu itz severally Aue het guet again ... to some extent clarified the whole gstürm .. . so .. Hüt nami ga i with shasu to Zuri, ga shoppe u AConnect au Tues Ageh officers ga ... bsueche schanee het usgang, Gnau hot but me no ni ... eh yes abgmacht will certainly easy ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Webcam Broadcast Hair Salon Live

wunder as Kiss of the final

Schnau i ke meter meh ....-. so extremely abnormal that Di specifically bugger matur Sun guet .. louft despite mim current beschissnige fuck-läbä ... abr gad severally gäbig schinbar cha ... i better get to u besseri ergäbnis achieved i ni we so guet bi ... ds zwäg means we provide leistig bsundregi he must: the numerical monsieur SCIFA see that he Wed again as in the random lat u so .. u när bi i able to find matter Niemer'd think ... haha iz skin sarcastic manner gsi .. u think so o ni hope so .. it does, no next weekend Aue to the freight ... o we i iz us luter skin despite the samsti äuä ad hiphop-uffüehrig from leandro & co ga u när no to Säm ... u at sunnti severally English fiesta bir carine ... gse i dä see skin-ni ... de Choei me dä scheiss o ni när solvent .. super bi i grew again deheim e depro, cha ni penne with nerve aui Lüt mim shit luun etc. .. Damn i Wotter
dass wie isch aues Vorhees ... .. i ma nummo isch so dr ... Huere abgfuckti oberstress walt hie!

i `m really pissed off! Itz isch genau so

Impetigo Wont Go Away

OPPE mini-situation Ganzi Scheiss! Dä text uf das trifft abartig Gnau zue! (Hehe, Furnas übersetzig eifach nachefrage ..)

there in my heart a concern
Today I see so far there anything
me from your love Suddenly you changed

Today I am unsure
Being without you, it will make me suffer

Last night I felt, you kissed me different
And I left without knowing what to do
I know you and I know something is not right
Come, tell me the truth, I do not imagine
That was the last kiss

Oh, oh
that has not changed your attitude
Hopefully all is one error
I do not see that I lost you Nor that I show love
hear a voice that sinks into my
That I repeat again
What I do not want to hear

Today I'm insecure To be without it, it will make me suffer, oh, oh

That was the last kiss ...

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

John Lennon Casino Strap

where is it?!?!

what about our love?
do not know ...

but I know that has happened so far?
that has changed everything?

I did?
but provoke me so?
can not understand that it hurts so much?!
is not still love me?

that's wrong?
I can not understand or follow ...
not see the point of your these
nor your attitude ...

I can do?
-to improve the situation
-to regain your love
to avoid problems, to live in happiness

help me please!

Miku Miku Dance Not Open

aureliaaa @ 2004-06-01T21: 05:00

hm ... so far I can not understand everything that is happening .. I can not understand ... is that something is not right .. but why?! What has happened to our love!?! Is over?! ?! that ??!!? dimelo!! Ach has gad dr

Sailboat Cushions Mildew

the meaning of life?!?! Uiii

ultimative aschiss! --- Zum glück wäääähh matur last glii louft einigermaßen guet .. .. drfür Susch not ... so I wonder if life has meaning o no ?!?!? äuä more ni the moment ... well what gits fürn usweg frässä;?)) dance ... odr so?!