Friday, January 30, 2004

Orabase Kenalog Cat Mouth


i bi gad uf dr after Schüür schnäu d akbb (academic and career guidance ).... i dfs huus finding it ha, ha no Wed vrirrt fasch .. luckily I then e ghulfe het type;) ha när there few portfolio usglehnt ( psychology teacher s-1 ..)... u no ha gad e abgmacht time .. hope that brings mau ds öppis! de cha I MI de mau villech finally decide where scho .. öppis fasch safe manner, severally dassi wott uf Fribourg ga ... I det hets gfaue mega, severally härzig ... u d o det va wott äuä, at least i de bi ni allei;) is just eh si öppis studying other of strength ... well .... that is ... ga ga mau schnäu öppis supper do u ga even de furt any manner mau mau no hope ... that the aui chöme wos o gseit hei .. git mega fun:) hehe

Flowers In The Attic Syndrome


, mi last schueutag sportferie ... u när ni ga while away but Chli free ha severally öppis always nice ... ha i leidr leidr letztwuche mini PorB filthy, so severally oz resultat shit usecho (Dütsch: Latin 3.8 l: 3) ... schisst Wed SCHÖNBRUNN usgrächnet a. .. itz where Aue proposed severally u so churz vo dr matur .. but is no hoffentlech chönne ufehole!'d Wed schüsch flush aschisse .... bi iedermau shame pares rather wait u beautiful here in the pc-ir Schüür ruum UFDs tinäli ... cha de si no Chli bliige ui would have to Wed längwile ni ... ha novor fast i di akademischi bruefsberatig z ga .. villech bringts öppis yes!

när no einisch Chli ga lädälä u de hei ... u wait till ii usgang cha;)

Thursday, January 29, 2004

How Much Can A 14 Foot Jon Boat Hold


juhuuu ... ha mini Lüt mitchöme finding it out .. itz Froue with de si e vo Ganzi group;) chönnt no easy Waerden ... skin-mau ohni manne;)
fröie Wed scho ... is eh prospective economic zwäg wed faba with colleagues held chunnt ...

ou .. yes u at samsti muessi eifach umbedingt is guayas wiedermau ga ... hiphop dance;) cha eifach Aue de bi ... again i dr glücklechscht uf mönsch more wäut .. Tues music tuet mega guet hope ... . only that Mi d accompany (ISAE) in random Latin u ni hope e gwüssi use the other person chunnt o;) severally yes itz possible ... i mean who the clean white ...
easy ... chunnt scho guet

How To Connect Hitachi Dz-mv3000e Dvdcam With Pc


so .. ha Wed resolute but rather uf bärndütsch z Schriber .. schliesslech's higher Dütsch for mi as e frömdsprach;) bi ni sooo talented in high Dütsch .. hehe, u brändütsch severally gäbiger ...
Auso ...

Brazillian Wax Newcastle

my last geo-lesson:)

juhuuuuu! never geo! was n `cool day today .. could auschlafen clock went to 9:30, then with schanee in the city ... then went shopping to eat lunch Neufeld ... as always we had a fun lunch (I must add that our topic of conversation day to day always nievauloser but all the funnier). I think it is really time to leave the Gymer .. in English, we watched a film about garcia UNT lorca.war still exciting ... and we ate cake in the geo comfortable drank juice and ... well in math and I had ... Dänu again nothing better to do than stupid honky-heftli to lesen.dafür we had our fun!
I went shopping with LIVA and cosi ... we wanted to scour shops some .... but it was so out that we just download one of our time spent;) in the h & m. .. it was selling out and so we came loaded thick with a lot of underwear, etc. aud the h & m out;)
Liva, va and I ate quickly migros take away a sandwich and then met the others (Franzi, Mira, cosi) ... in divino we talked with a fine warm chocolate ....
were then va, LIVA (her boyfriend) and I had yet to kino.wir our coupons benutzen.somit January to the end, this was the only Possibility to decay they can not be watched ... "the company" to .. a very beautiful film, for my claims too little action, etc. .. would rather be a 2nd time honey Go look, well;)
now ... have I will not make tonight more tomorrow .. finally we have the last school day before the holiday tomorrow night .. and I still have a lot before (go with some ladies from n my class and prestige to the ladies night ... is always nice when you can go free in the output :).....)...