Monday, June 1, 2009


The crisis in interpersonal relations

on duty as rukovadoitel project I'm dealing with various issues. As you know, wanting to create a successful version of the new software should at least focus on the market for similar services.

so happened that after a certain number of years of cohabitation can be re- find freedom and go to the winds with the motto "actively looking". Why not combine business with pleasure? .. Who knows?

in the air the question, what is the difference between the various network servers for dating and what the main differences between the Russian model of search engines in the industry of Western Europe? The impression is that even 16-year-olds looking for their prince create a network in Western Europe!

Well, well. Adults who are incredibly busy at work and do not wish to draw parallels between their professional and personal lives, yet one can understand, but why are teenagers?

In Russia look at it a little easier. In Russia there is no network for dating sites intended for minors. His first love, meet, or in sports section, either at school or through friendly acquaintances.

But I want to warn in advance that enjoyable search for your second half in RuNet not name. Convinced friends and acquaintances in the miraculous almighty Rambler, I posted my profile to start there. Among my friends at least two pairs of young people found each other through the portal. In turn, I ran a simple concrete and serious text-handling criteria search in order to rid themselves of the need to communicate with suspicious subjects. And although the text of the address was no hint of a sexual relationship, most proposals were received with the intent to meet the needs of this particular non-existent. Quite illogical to assume that women who want to get what the Americans called the one-stand, will puzzle searching for them on the portal of dating. Rather the object is found at the nearest discotheque without any efforts.

viewed questionnaire discourage any desire for further communication. What is the significance, I'm sorry, the size of genitals, if the owner do not defile the casting for porn?

Do they really carry out the necessary measurements to complete the questionnaire?

170 responses 7 days, of which only 4 more or less interesting candidate. The remainder were screened either because of age, or after indecent proposal services of a sexual nature, or because of obesity, lack of riser or original photographs in the key of "me with his Mercedes," or "I on his yacht, "etc. It's all clear. No comments. In the era of Photoshop no modern program does not wipe off the face of a naive candidate, the natural force exposure. Beautiful but stupid - it's diagnosis.

Thus, the selective method, we identified the four semifinalists.

No. 1 chose to go into hiding after how his question about ethnicity has remained unanswered. Citizenship - another question, but why are there still people worried about the nationality of their friends? Back in USSR in accordance with paragraph 5? Is that in my veins the blood of a multinational, I was condemning? I should make some kind of recognition? Attempts someone explain the difference between nationality and citizenship were Sisyphean, and I gave up.

Number 2 realized that the long hours of correspondence - monkey work. 5 posts, and we agreed to meet in a cafe for a cup of coffee. He was 29, although according to the questionnaire, 39. We have to think that a conversation over a cup coffee in the cafe is something innocent, but no such luck. After 15 minutes I was offered up to the rank of "love of his life." My allusion to the fact that butterflies in the tummy to to start to grow wings, was greeted with a puzzled look. Everything with you is clear, the young man: a month after moving to Moscow, from Volgograd, hands, Do not touch the book since high school ... I'd forgotten that the Earth still go to these two-legged!

Third outlined in his questionnaire that "writings" not for him. 45 years Associate Professor at the University of ... Well, okay. Not so uncommon among my acquaintances. Will not bother with prejudice. And it's incredibly "interesting" interlocutor. Two hours slighted me horror stories about problems in the first marriage. Mise en scene number 2 is not much different from number 1 - the protagonist of the same, but the marriage second. All richly flavored dense sauce of "advice for the future", but, sorry, number 3, I do not want to become.

historical fact of receiving this the subject of Russian names he owns only passport office ...

So, number 4. Briefly miracle ... it is clear, cute, innocent, harmless people. The questionnaire is available year ago. Because of this you can outline the purpose of the portal as a pastime - women are shining examples of this assumption. Some users weaker sex can safely celebrate the anniversaries of their location profiles on the site. An object number 4 is just not able to come into contact with the opposite sex either it's a lot of work. No, a cup of coffee in the cafe, we have not yet beaten, because, apparently, his life is divided into equal segments between work and sleep. So it is possible for years to hang on Rambler and dinner with a laptop in front of his nose.

Nevertheless, he only touched my soul. Lord, live it up on the pages of such sites, where you think, will take butterflies in the stomach, if the soul is not touched?

little advice: take the "sheep" look and do not take photos against the backdrop of yachts, Mercedes and other scrap metal. For sure, it will attract only 20letnih leggy blondes, but what will tell your freshly baked passions, when they learn that the castle of Prince in Khimki, in the run-down "the panels?

The percentage of decent typed barely 0.8 percent. For comparison, in the theater or on the opening day for the same purpose may be to collect approx. 1 percent of the public.

rambler to include other platforms, and that anyway, have a common Bank data. At least, this applies and Simply browse database profiles.

little fish in google, I fished the miracle fish loveplanet. Of the benefits - Filter spam from the category of "street red light district for a fee, of course.
But misfires still have a place to be. About 10 percent of the proposals talk about everything, anything, except for a serious relationship. These comrades filter for an unknown reason spared.

Men's logic works train - as you can have a lasting loving relationship without sex together? It relates to the item in the questionnaire, where men and indicate long-term relationship and sex together as different things. But it is impossible to fall in love immediately. In this case, there is a spare runway as a woman, willing to have sex right away?

According to statistics, 70 responses in 4 days. Half of the candidates did not even bother to read the questionnaire, focusing only on the photo. You can simply comment photography (way to an incredibly restrictive), because the woman will take it as a complete message. "Well, picture, of course, speaks volumes, and Who needs cowardly fans? ..

Oh yeah, forgot about the two "clerks." One woman-hater, the other thinks like a star (he was very indignant that his status No one admired). 30 percent of overdressed male model and the same number of foreigners. By Michael from Germany and Gogi from Berne (the origin of the latter I have to still questioning) to Adim from Istanbul. 0.3 percent have a chance, but I have no desire to read the 170 entries for the 0,8. Deleting my profile, I'm bored.

question remains open, distributed database on the same form as in rambler . ru ? So, tomorrow, proceed to the next three-day experiment to find your second half. Um, yes it's real work - to seek your destiny! At least now I know what my next survey I compiled under the motto: "Down with pointless scribbling! Give us a healthy human communication! »

Or is it back to the proven scheme with vernissage? ..

Ah, the winner rambler-test. Maybe he still finds the strength to forsake the work of a cat on a meeting with a woman? Once I wrote the following to him: "That which you want to read should seriously consider whether it could make you a decent and well-paid job. " Voltage increases .....

his client I congratulate so that it will make the room brighter project with social networks to niche runet brothel, scams and psychiatry. In any case, it is those same 0.8 percent do not give people a "fly off the hook." The project my client requires about 80 percent of matches!

But I still want to fall in love ...